Say what I want

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II woke up the next morning to the dawn light floating through the window. I groaned and closed the curtains. Lexie suddenly bolted forward on her bed covered in sweat. Her eyes search for all of us wildly making a mental count of how many girls were in this room and safe. Her eyes landed on me and she let out a sigh of relief then frowned in my direction.

"Go back to bed Kane." She said voice like a razor blade. I shook my head refusing to listen, that and I was already awake. Her frown deepened. "Do you have to make everything difficult?" I shrugged. "I mean what fun would it be if everything was just easy, besides isn't one of the things about being a spy is to deal with people like me. Stubborn and annoying."

"And constantly getting in the hospital." Ouch. "You know the doctor asked us a whole bunch of questions when he saw your little 'collection'." I knew she mentioned the scars on my body. I shrugged. "Meh, it was hard to explain to the people who did my physical before school started." She raised a brow. I sat back down on my bed not realizing that I was standing. She got up and walked quietly over. I made room for her.

"Was it always like that for you, life or death?" I shrugged. Most kids grew up with a nice and decent childhood, I grew up knowing I killed a man at 7 and more later on. Not exactly princess stories with the prince. More like a traumatic version of Tarzan but with a girl and in the USA. I shrugged. "Kinda I guess. I mean not always, sometimes I was safe in a way." She waited for me to explain. I couldn't look at her. "You see as an orphan I'm not exactly free. Police are always asking where your family is," I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat as I looked over at Ash. Lexie put a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her. "You know, and when you don't answer they usually took me down to the station or an orphanage. I was adopted twice. But you can see how that turned out."

She nodded. I took a shaky breath. "You get the gist. So I had to always be on guard. Always checking to see if anyone was coming for me from any direction. I would hide in parks and up trees. I would sleep in them from time to time, I fell multiple times if your wondering." She laughed. "Hey I was a kid Kay! No laughing! I mean it is funny but still(I fell way too many times and my butt remembers every single time). I always carried a pair scissors with me because my hair would grow and it got annoying and in the way." I gestured to my short brown crooked hair. "I got bullied a hella lot of being an orphan from older kids trying to gain attention or whatever but I delt with it." I clenched my fist remembering their stupid cocky smiles as if my pain made their day.

Suddenly Lexie's hand was on mine and then had I realized that I as shaking. I sighed taking deep breaths. I snorted remembering what I looked like back then. "You should have seen me, I looked like a boy!" I said trying to hold in my laughter. "Short hair, pale skin, dark circles like bruises. I was tall and as skinny as a bean pole. Always wearing shorts the same shirt and a hoodie. I bet people thought I was a zombie or something." I broke into loud fits of laughter that's on turned into helpless sobbing.

I could almost see the hunted look in my own golden eyes as I glared everyone away. I shoved people as far away from me as possible when really all I wanted was someone to hold me and tell me they loved me. But I lost that chance a long time ago. Suddenly I was pulled into a hug. I blinked the tears away but many fell. I wiped them away with the sleeve of my shirt. She held me close to her as I calmed down. But my own eyes hunted me with the murderous look in their them. I was scared of my self? Who knew. I probably was.

Once I calmed down she slowly let go of me. Our eyes meet.

"Never speak of this?"

"Your past?"

"No you idiot the hug!"

"But it was our first bonding moment!"

"What's was, I don't remember anything sort of bonding, I hate your guts Baxter."

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