On the planet Earth

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Zach watched as Kana took a sip of her hot chocolate. "Did you blow?" She nodded. "Okay, just be careful." He warned and Kana smiled. "I will dad." She said with a chuckle. It always filled Zach with pride to hear her call him dad even though he wasn't even her real father. Then again her male-birth-parent was even a father the least. Faking the death of his own child, going insane, trying to then kill Ash, then dying. Kana and that man bared little to no resemblance at all. Sure they shared brown hair and the tan skin. But that's where it pretty much ends, sure she's an emotional teen but isn't everyone. They both shoot off at the mouth, they both get frustrated and run a hand through their hair. Other than that he can't find anything else that they might share.

In fact she's a lot like her mother. Smart, quick, annoying. They both fiddle with their clothes when feeling awkward and are both accident prone. They're the most selfless stubborn people he'll ever meet and they express themselves through letters and not words. They're not really good at talking deeply about feelings and when they're in a good mood it just makes everyone around them want to smile. They shared those golden eyes, the animal like instincts that kicked in. But Kana was still her own person all the same. She was sassy, salty, annoying, act first regret later.

Even though she didn't like being teased about it she was actually a softy when it came to those she cared about, like when she came to them when she got in a small argument with Ash. How flustered and worried she was that Ash wouldn't accept her apology. Kana was like a toddler or a puppy a lot although she doesn't realize it. She crossed her legs when she's on the floor like one. She tilts her head to the side when she doesn't understand something. And when she's really proud of something she did or accomplished she looks you right in the eye with that adorable determination and if she were a puppy her tail would wag. When she sees someone she's comfortable with she leans in closer.

Once at lunch he almost choked on his sandwich when he saw her do the cutest thing. She had a juice box in her hand and took a sip, legs crossed again looking so cute when suddenly she was passed some Gelato and she tilted her head to the side wondering what it was. Her eyes squinted as she looked at the dessert suspiciously but then she looked around like a lost child and with one hand holding her juice and taking another sip while the other reached out for the Gelato her hand brushed some lemons and she did the funniest thing.

She shot her hand back to her side, eyes wide and one brow raised and she tilted her head to see what touched her. Cammie had to pat his back but he never forgot that moment of pure innocence. She was just so cute sometimes. He looked up to see her taking a bite of her cookie, she took a bite and Zach nearly died of how cute she was being. Lord help him. She gave a soft smile eating the cookie and pink tinted her cheeks. She then looked up t him and handed him one. "It's good, try it." Zach took the cookie and ate some. It was good but what made the moment better was that he was sharing it with her. "Should we save some for Moms and the gang?" Zach chuckled and nodded. He got up and bought another for Kathrine and company and when he turned around Kana was swinging her legs back and forth even though she could touch the floor. God help him.

They waved goodbye and walked back. "They have good coffee." Zach commented and Kana nodded. "Yep, good cookies too." She said taking a bite of her's again. Sometimes Zach just wanted to take her innocent self and let her keep it forever but she was growing and soon she'd become an adult. It was happening too soon for his liking but life doesn't wait for anyone or anything. They got back and Kana smiled. "We got cookies." She called out and Ash ran up to her ignoring to cookies and hugging her. Kana laughed and caught her and turned her around a bit. "Miss me?" She teased and Ash nodded. "Yeah, so, how'd it go?" Ash teased back and Kana turned pink. "Um well uh..." Now it was Zach's turn to take over. "Thomas is a nice boy, I guess. But I'm not allowing any dating till I've had a talk with him got it?" Kana smiled bashfully, cute, and nodded. "Roger that." She said doing a silly salute and passed the cookies around.

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