Knock knock

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I held my sibling close. I scooted us father from the edge. I felt foolish and completely stupid for asking this. 

"Um Ash," she looked up with her green eyes bloodshot from crying. "This is stupid but uh I was wondering-and you don't have to say yes at all your chose but um, do you mind if I try doing a do-over? Can I have a shot and being your sister again? Like I said no is an option here." She smiled and nearly choked me to death with another hug. "Yes! Can I have a do-over too?" I nodded my headed. 

My heart raced. I was given a second chance. "This time, I swear on the River of Styx I won't fail you. Never, never again." I wiped a tear from her face. "Never again." She smiled and we held each other close until we looked at the time. It was already time for lunch. 

"If anyone asks I got hurt during paint ball."

"Really, cause with all the bandages on you I would have never guess."

"Did you just use sarcasm on me young lady?" She smiled. "Don't just grin it off!" We opened the doors to see that everyone already started eating. I waved at everyone, "Uh...hi?" We got food and sat down with Lexie and Mel. "Where the heck have you too been?" Lexie hissed and saw the bandages. "Couldn't you last one day without getting injured." I smirked. "Hey these are battle scares. I got 'em saving yer ass wee lamb." She tried not to smirk. "What?! Its not like I can change meh voice, ugh, stupid accent! Why can't yee have chosen someone else?!" 

I grabbed my coke and chugged it. I ignored those who laughed like a mature teen should. JK I flipped everyone off. Ash forced my fingers down and I glared at anyone who even giggled. B-tchs. 

After lunch I went with my squad to C&A. As we opened the door Lexie, Ash, and Mel instantly grabbed me and held me from running. We were going to learn the beauty of dance. Lexie smirked. "But Kana," she yelled out so everyone could hear. Class had already started and I was trying to hide in the back but Lexie grabbed me and shoved me onto the dance floor when Miss. What's-it asked for volunteers. "Was it just me or did I see you dancing the night away at the park during a Cov Ops mission!?" I glared at her and everyone in class nodded. 

Miss. Happy-rainbows smiled. "Excellent! Any boy volunteers?" Ezra stepped forward. He did a bow and everything. "May I have this dance m' lady?" I shook my head 'no' but we were shoved together and I looked over at Lexie who smirked. I sighed. May as well, I mean I got no choice. Suddenly and loudly the new teacher came in. "Oh am I interrupting something?" I was about to say yes but Sweet Cheeks said no before I could say yes. 

"Oh no Katherine, stay, watch. Miss. Kana and Mr. Crown here we just showing the class some dances they know." Corduroy looked my way like I was a cool show. I took a deep breath and placed my hand on his shoulder and the other one intwimed with his in between. He gave me a smug look and put his hand on my waist. "Ballroom Wild Card? Classy for you." I smirked.

"Oh don't worry Golden Throne, I'm not what I look like." 

Quickly I dipped him, the class ooooooooooh-ed waiting for what I'll do next. Ezra was lost for words. I grabbed his chin with my hand. "I'm dangerous you know." I pulled him back up and the ball room music started.  

I smirked, instead of letting him take the lead I did. One, two, three, one, two, three. This felt so familiar, like I was born to dance. Like this was my home. 

Someone clapped behind me, I turned around. Someone, I don't know who, was hidden in the darkness. Their faces were covered but I could see them, I knew them, but I just didn't and couldn't figure out exactly how I knew them and who they were. They clapped for me like I did something great. 

I looked in front of me where a little girl who's face was also swallowed by the darkness, she had her feet on top of mine. I saw her smile. Her front tooth was missing. One, two, three, one, two, three. I played the role of the prince as we danced in the living room. She was the elegant and beautiful princess. I smiled at her, I felt the overwhelming sensation to protect her at any cost. 

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