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"No! No that . . . that's not true!" Gray exclaimed hysterically at the other side of the table. I watched him with an lazy smile sitting on my face. He was laughing with Elfman and Gajeel. Elfman was holding a Sorcerer Weekly magazine with a picture of Gray on the cover.

"All the proof is in here Gray!" Elfman cried. He was laughing so hard that it got to a point where he wasn't even making a sound. All of them were. It was a hilarious sight. I fumbled with my fingers under the table and watched them have fun.

"Hey! Why are ya so quiet?" Gajeel stopped laughing when he noticed me. I stared at him and stopped smiling, shrugging my shoulders in response.

We were interrupted by a loud sound of laughter and pounding. Elfman couldn't handle himself anymore. The silver haired male collapsed to the ground. He was laughing and crying at once, clutching his stomach and the magazine in his hands. Gray was laughing at him, and it made me smile.

His laugh sounded like music—a birds song, though it's kind of sounds cheesy. I know, I know, gross, but that's how I felt. Maybe Juvia would agree with me on that. I snorted when Gray fell out of his seat and curled into a ball. "Th-this is all a load of bull crap! D-don't believe that garbage!"

"Why would I not believe that the stripper stripped out of his clothes in front of a Sorcerer Weekly photographer! All the evidence is right here!"

Gajeel coughed. His face turned bright red. He was trying his best to hold his laughter back.

"I-it's photoshop!" Gray stuttered. He wobbled back up to his seat, calming himself and relaxing. He placed his head on his fist and stared at me. He cocked his head to the side, smile disappearing. "What's your deal? This isn't anything like you."

I smiled at him. I didn't know what to say. "Just tired I guess."

Gajeel snorted again. "The Salamander? Tired? No way."

Instead of firing back like I normally would, I rolled my eyes and faced the bar. I just wasn't feeling myself today. It was alien to me. I wasn't hungry, but Lucy was over there. I needed a distraction. I stood up and walked away from the table. I could feel Elfman, Gray, and Gajeel's eyes burning into me with suspiciousness.

I plopped down next to Lucy, who was talking to Mirajane. When she finished, she looked over at me. "Hey Natsu! Didn't see you in my apartment this morning." She smiled at me like it was such a relief. She was probably glad she could take her morning bubble bath in peace.

"Yeah, I didn't want to wake you up last night so I just didn't go."

She nodded her head and stretched her arms out. "Well, thanks for that. I liked the quiet." I nodded. She looked back at Mira, who was doing the dishes. Lucy leaned over and plopped her head on the counter. "I think I need a vacation."

"How about we go on a mission?"

She glared at me with disapproval. "I need a vacation from missions! Didn't we just go on one yesterday? And the day before?"

I thought back, trying to refresh my memories. I then shook my head. "You're wrong Lucy! That was last week!" Said mage groaned. She laid her head in her arms, grumbling and gave out a fake sniffles. She peaked at me. "It feels just like yesterday. Besides, my rent is covered for the next two months thanks to Erza." We both looked back at the sword mage, who was sitting in the corner of the guild hall with Wendy as the two quietly enjoyed their sweets.

Erza had recently pulled Lucy on a S-Class mission with her because she needed to get away from Gray and I, but she didn't want to be alone. Lucy was upset because she could have taken a much more powerful wizard, like Mira, instead, but Erza said, "We need her at the guild hall if anything happens! Don't question my decisions and just go with me!" Even though her story didn't sound scary, Lucy explained that her tone sent shivers up and down her spine and gave her nightmares for a week.

Mira placed a few dishes in a cabinet and walked over to the counter. She wore her usual bright smile and her cheeks were a pasty pink. "I haven't seen you two talking in a while. What happened?" Lucy lifted her head up and looked at me. She sat for a moment, and then both of them began to stare at me like I had all the answers. I felt my cheeks get warmer. I hated when people stared at me like that. They would never look away until you spoke. It was like I was being interrogated, and they were trying to make me spill my whole life's story to them. I didn't know what they wanted me to say!

"W-what?" I asked. I felt embarrassed. My head began to throb and my heart began to beat rapidly.

They finally looked away. All the pressure vanished, and I felt relieved. Mira glanced at Lucy with a small questionable look. "We are doing Fantasia again in two months. After eight years, it feels just like yesterday when you joined us for your very first Fantasia parade. Are you gonna be in it this year, Lucy?" she asked my friend.

Lucy quickly nodded, like she already knew her answer and was waiting for someone to ask her it. "Obviously. Last time was so fun! I wonder what Laxus's float will look like since he left before Fantasia the last time." I already knew what his float was going to look like since I've been in the guild with him for a while. Though, I didn't think he enjoyed Fantasia, since he was supposed to smile and act all fake and stuff.

I obviously loved Fantasia. I didn't need some fancy float to show off my magic. Everyone knows my power! All I have to do is perform an amazing trick to wow the crowd. They love it every single time!

"Why did you leave the guys table? Never knew you would want to talk to a few girls. Do you like Lucy, Natsu?"

My mouth dropped. The question was so sudden, and it took a moment for me to process it. That wasn't even the topic of their conversation! Lucy looked very disgusted. Yeah, like she'd ever like me like that anyways. "What type of question is that! Out of the blue? No way! He's just my friend! Nothing more!" Mira glared at Lucy only to say that she didn't ask her the question. Lucy gulped and looked away.

Mira smiled at me. "Well Natsu?" I fumbled with my fingers and looked away. My expression didn't change at all, but I was so surprised that I didn't even know what to say. I shook my head. "No, even if she did, it would still be a no. I don't like her like that," I said.

Lucy's mouth dropped as I stood up and walked away. I had enough of girls talk. Did women only gossip all the time? Who cares? Lucy's eyes followed me as I walked away. I could feel them burning holes in my back. Of course I would never love her that way. She's only my friend.

I went and sat back down at the boys table. I was tired of talking about love even though I think about it too much. But talking about something you think about all the time is kind of weird. It would be nice to get it off of your chest every now and then, but—like I said earlier—today wasn't my day at all.

I sat across from Gajeel, right next to Gray. Gajeel stopped chewing on his bowl of nails and grunted when I plopped down. He asked, "Where ya been, Salamander?"

"Yeah, why did you run off like that?" Gray asked.

"'Dunno," I said. "Wanted to talk to the girls, I guess."

Elfman wasn't at the table anymore. He was talking to Evergreen, and I know they are all lovey dovey and stuff.

"Are you sick Natsu?" Gray asked me. I glared at him when he tried to reach and feel for my forehead, but I slapped his hand down way too fast. "Don't touch me."

He was shocked. Normally, I wouldn't do this. He would normally check my temperature when I was feeling off and would tell me if I were sick or not. But I knew I wasn't sick. Maybe I should consider a vacation, just like Lucy said. Yeah, maybe I will take a break. It actually sounds like a good idea.

After I left the guild hall that day, I hadn't returned for a whole year.

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