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"This is stupid," I grumbled as I walked down the walkway. Loke laughed at my comment as he followed me, along with Gajeel, Romeo, and Alzack. Makarov seemed to have heard my comment, too, for he scowled at me. I only rolled my eyes as I took my spot behind Gray.

He smirked when I stood behind him. I wasn't in the mood to smile back, however. This was the most stupid idea in the history of ideas. I never even knew we had to do rehearsals for weddings. I thought people would just walk down the walkway with fake smiles and wait until the two people kissed! Without rehearsals!

Yeah, the worst idea ever.

I crossed my arms as Erza, Lucy, Lisanna, Wendy, and Bisca made their way up to the stage. They all were whispering about how exciting this moment was going to be. Especially after how long it took for Gray to actually accept Juvia.

I wanted to throw up.

Pantherlily began to walk down the walkway. Gajeel tried not to laugh at his exceed, who did not look in the best mood right now. He carried an empty pillow in his hands and stood in front of the girls.

Finally, Asuka came skipping down with an empty basket in her hands. She wore a bright smile that could be cherished by anyone and swayed the basket from side to side. She stood right next to Lily.

Juvia then began to walk down the walkway with her eyes closed, like she has been for the other three rehearsals that we did today. Yeah, three rehearsals in one day. Another reason why I thought this idea was so stupid. Besides, I had better things to do, like eating and sleeping.

She ran into one of the chairs, winced, but then continued with her eyes open. The bluenette still wore a small smile.

Like usual, my heart sank when I saw Juvia and Gray holding their hands once Juvia got up here. Makarov cleared his throat and began reciting the wedding vows.

I really wanted to pull out the crystal that moment. But I couldn't, for everyone around me would grow suspicious. Or not. No one has seen me hold the crystal, other than Lucy and Mirajane. I don't know if Erza has. But only Mirajane knows what it's real meaning is.

So, I pulled it out. It was the same as the day before. Slightly over halfway.

"What's that?" Loke asked over my shoulder, making me jump. I looked in Makarov's direction to see what he was doing. The old man was flipping through the pages of a thick book, seeming to have lost his place. Gray gave off a nervous laugh while Juvia just stood and smiled.

I sighed. "It's this rock that I found on the road. I thought it was pretty, so I picked it up." Loke nodded as I fumbled my fingers on it.

"Why?" I asked, suddenly regretting my decision. Loke only shook his head. "Just thought it looked familiar. That's all," the strawberry blonde said, fixing the position of his glasses. My eyes widened with curiousity. And I suddenly began to remember something:

"Where did you even get this from?!" I squealed, snatching the crystal from out of her hands. I squeezed it tightly, and Mirajane laughed silently.

"Believe me Natsu, I have my ways," and she left me alone in the kitchen.

Fuck, I thought immediately. Did she get it from Loke? Then Loke did know what it was? A drop of sweat began to roll down my face.

I heard Makarov close the book. "And then I will say 'You may now kiss the bride'. That's it for rehearsals today!" A bunch of groans came from the stage as everyone walked off, relieved that they didn't have to do it again. All except Juvia, obviously.

"Juvia can't wait for the wedding!" the bluenette squealed. Lucy smiled at her, the looked at me. She gave me a sad smile. I smiled back.

My arm was suddenly yanked on, making me jump. "Natsu! We have a surprise for you! Come on!" Lisanna shrieked as she pulled me out of the guild hall. Lucy followed, laughing at the look on my face. We were running along the river, where I previously was just yesterday.

And in that spot stood Mirajane and Erza. They both wore warm smiles, and Erza wasn't wearing her armor. My eyes widened with confusion.

Lisanna stopped dragging me and Lucy stopped chasing us. All four of the girls were smiling at me, which made me feel safe. In front of Mirajane and Erza lie a picnic blanket with a basket full of sandwiches and cake, which Erza was most likely dying to get a mouth full of.

I smiled at everyone. "Thanks, but what is this for?" Mira looked at Erza, and Erza opened her mouth.

"We wanted to get your mind off the wedding, since it is only a few days away. So, we are going to celebrate with a picnic! Just the five of us!" Erza's eyes sparkled at the thought of a picnic, which made Lucy snicker a little. I looked in Lisanna's direction.

"And I'm guessing Mira told you?" I asked her. Lisanna nodded and looked in her older sister's direction. Mira's smile began to die down when I looked in her direction, but came back to life when I gave her a toothy grin.

It was just silent. And awkward, I must say. Everyone was taking glances at one another like we had all just met each other the day before.

"Well? Are we gonna eat or are you guys just gonna stand there?" I asked, sitting down. Everyone else laughed as I opened the basket, the girls soon joining in on me.

Erza snatched the cake out of the basket and held it to herself, making Lisanna burst out laughing at the look of her possessive face. Lucy took a bite out of a peanut butter sandwich while Mirajane tried to take the cake away from Erza.

This was one of my favorite moments. My mind was away from the wedding, having fun with my friends. We laughed almost all night. We played in the river as it began to grow dark. We watched the stars and listened to Lucy, who was pointing out all the constellations.

I smiled as I heard snoring from the few girls around me. I soon felt my eyes growing heavy, letting them close so that I could sleep as well.

And as quick as that, I woke up in my bed the next morning. But it wasn't the next morning.

No, not the next morning at all.

I obviously didn't notice at first, so I walked into the bathroom first thing like I normally would. I took a quick shower and got ready to head out to the guild hall.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I took a bite as I made my way to the front door, pushing it open. Except I was stopped by both Lucy and Wendy. "Natsu! You're late! Hurry up!" Wendy cried, trying her hardest to pull me out of the house. She was soon joined by Lucy, and I was soon being dragged to the guild hall.

I raised an eyebrow at Wendy's comment.

"Wait! What am I late for?" I asked, making the two girls stop. Wendy and Lucy's mouth both dropped in unison, which was funny to me, for they both looked almost the same. Despite the color and length of Lucy's hair, if I hadn't known them then I might've thought they were twins.

"You're supposed to help Gray get ready for his wedding! It's only in four hours!" Lucy screeched, the two going back to dragging me to the guild hall.

My heart dropped. I froze in my spot, making both Lucy and Wendy tumble forward.

"I... I thought the wedding was tomorrow?" I squeaked. Lucy helped Wendy up from the ground and grabbed my hand.

"Wow Natsu. You sure lost track of time. Probably because of how much you slept yesterday. Poor Gray, he had to carry you back home himself. And then you forget his wedding day," Lucy mumbled to herself.

I couldn't respond back, however. Because just two days ago, I fell asleep outside with Mirajane, Lisanna, Lucy, and Erza after having the best moment of my entire life.

And now I'm being dragged by Lucy and Wendy to go help my crush get ready for his wedding...

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