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"Thirty minutes left!" Mirajane shouted as everyone began to sit down in their seats. A few people were waving over to people to sit next to them. I have to say, the guild hall had never been this crowded in my entire life! The only thing I could hear was the sounds of people talking and walking.

I looked over in Gray's direction to see that he had gone pale. I would've been nervous as well. I mean, a wedding in front of all these people. Gray's pale face came back to life, him instantly scowling as he yelled at a smirking Gajeel who was looking up at the two of them.

"Ga-Gajeel! Where the hell did all these people come from!" the raven shouted down below. The Iron Dragon Slayer turned away. I heard a small "gihi" come from him as he walked away whistling. Gray growled and ran after him, immediately slowing down to avoid getting a tear in his suite.

I shook my head in disappointment. Those two are so childish.

I watched as people were being pushed aside by the two ravens. It was funny because I could hear Gajeel laughing the whole time with that weird ass laugh he has. I smiled. Even though the place was full of random people, our guild was still here.

"Hey Natsu!" Mirajane cheered from behind me, making me almost jump from the railing in front of me. She just giggled. I noticed that she was wearing the same blue dress with the white jacket that I had bought her a few weeks ago.

"Hey Mira," I gasped, slowly catching my breath. I then smiled at her when my breath came back.

Her cheerful face turned to a more serious smile instead. "How are you doing?" she asked quietly. Levy made her way down the hallway, and slowly down the stairs. Mira kept her eyes on the bluenette to make sure she got down safely. "You don't need to keep asking me. I'll hold up just fine if he goes through with this," I said, turning towards the railing and watched everyone below. Levy has made it safely to the first floor and was immediately acquainted by Lucy and Wendy.

Mira stood next to me, and we both began to watch the people below.

"What do you mean if he goes through?" Mirajane asked me, sounding a bit concerned.

"He told me that he didn't know if he could do this. I mean, weddings are forever, right?" I explained. Mira nodded at that statement.

I soon felt a hand on my back as I was shuffled down the stairs. I heard Mira giggle a "Bye" from behind me. I was beginning to panic as I almost nearly fell down the stairs after being pushed by a heavy force.

"Come on! We don't need to hear you talking about Gray right now! We have to move. We recieved the ten minute call five minutes ago!" Erza cried as she pushed me across the almost clear floor. The room had grown quiet as everyone was told to sit down while everyone else got into their places.

I was pushed down the walkway as the guild hall doors came to view. And after a late reaction, my eyes widened at what Erza has said.

"Five minutes!?" I shrieked as I was pushed out the doors. Erza closed the doors behind us. Erza exhaled, sounding determined to get this day over with.

"You guys ready?" Erza asked, placing both hands on her hips. I saw Juvia, Gray, Lucy, Wendy, Bisca, Gajeel, Loke, Romeo, Alzack, Pantherlily, and Asuka. They all wore huge smiles on their faces.

"Yeah!" everyone cheered.

"What the hell!" I cried.


My arms were folded across one another as I followed Gray to the stage, all the other guys behind me. I was smiling cheekily, though I didn't really mean it. Erza threatened to murder me if I misbehaved at all through this wedding. So now, I'm walking down the walkway behind Gray and in front of all the other guys with my arms crossed and I'm wearing a cheeky smile. All because I didn't want to be murdered by Erza.

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