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I have to admit that the train ride home was the worse train ride of my entire life.

I couldn't sleep and my stomach my so sore. I tried my best to hold in my breakfast. Gajeel seemed to be in the same position at me, because he lurched forward a few times, covered his mouth, and leaned back against his seat.

Gray grumbled a few curse words, wondering why he had to be in this booth with us. To be honest, I'd be damned if I had to share a booth with two sick wizards.

It was the afternoon when we arrived back to Magnolia. I practically kissed the ground when I got off the train. Gajeel was still sick when he got off and was slowly recovering.

We all walked to the guild. As soon as we pushed the doors open, a loud squeal broke my eardrums as a certain bluenette came running up to Gray. The raven lost all air for a split second and looked down to see his fiancé hugging his bare chest.

I groaned and greeted all the other girls.

"I missed my beloved Gray more than anything in the entire world!" Juvia cried from across the guild hall. I sat at a table all by myself and leaned my head against my arm.

Something sharp poked at my thigh, making me squeak.

I reached into my pocket, my eyes widening at when my hand was grabbing.

"Gah! Jeez Juvia, it was only one day!" Gray laughed, his voice not so certain. But Juvia was too busy hugging the ice mage to even notice the annoyed tone in his voice.

I grabbed the object and pulled it out. I thought I had lost it! I looked around the guild hall, only to see Mirajane smiling at me before she walked into the kitchen with a glass cup in her hand.

"One day without you made me sad and depressed! I'm so glad that I can see you again! I can't wait until our wedding!" Gray was trying his hardest to push the bluenette off of him. I felt bad, but decided that maybe I should look down at the crystal.

No, I shouldn't.

Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt any-

"Oh my goodness!" I shouted, instantly placing my hand over my mouth. All eyes were in my direction of the guild. Even Gray and Juvia's. I interrupted their moment. I placed a hand behind my head, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. I shrunk down in my seat when Lucy came and walked over towards me.

"What happened Natsu?"

My eyes widened as I curled my fingers around the transparent crystal. Lucy looked down at my hand, but I instantly hid it under the table. Lucy raised one eyebrow, crossing her arms. That's when Erza decided to move to the kitchen.

"What's in your hand, Natsu?" The creepy blonde asked me. I heard murmurs roam around the guild hall. Gray wore a worried expression that made my heart race faster, but my stomach drop. I shook my head, trying to get words out of my mouth. In the end, nothing.

I looked over at the bar and noticed that Erza and Mira both walked out of the kitchen, their eyes burning into Lucy's back. I bet you if their eyes could turn people to dust, Lucy would've been gone in an instant.

"What do you mean?" I managed to fit out of my mouth. The blonde bit the inside of her cheek and began tapping her foot against the floor. She looked around the guild hall, noticing that everyone was looking at her as well.

"Meet me at the park by the big tree tomorrow afternoon," and with that, Lucy walked away without looking back. Over to the girls table with all of them looking at her red, angered face.

I took another quick glance at the crystal.

More than half of it was red...


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