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Three weeks.

That's how much time I had left until the wedding. I couldn't sleep at night due to how much I think about him! I was laying in my bed, just staring at the ceiling. My eyes burned, but they wouldn't close. The sun shone through my windows, and it made my eyes worse. I grunted and slowly climbed out of bed.

I made my way to bathroom. I turned on the water in the shower to full heat, and I let my finger tips feel the water before I stripped. I pushed the curtain aside and climbed in. I stood as the water ran all over my body. It was relaxing. I stood completely under the water so my hair could rinse. Steam came from the burning water, and it covered the mirror with condensation. I stood there for a few more minutes before grabbing a bar of soap.

As soon as I finished, I climbed out slowly. I grabbed a towel from off the rack and wrapped it around my lower body. I picked up my clothes and pushed open the bathroom door.

I instantly shivered as the air from the rest of the house fell on me. I quickly made my way to my room, and tried my hardest not to slide on the hardwood floor. The water in my hair began to drip down my back, and it made me flinch with the sudden chills.

I closed my bedroom door and opened my closet to see what I had. My scarf sat safely on my top shelf. I grabbed it and then searched through my hanging clothes. I picked out my usual black jacket and white pants.

I dried myself off and threw on my clothes. I then dried off my hair before I tied my scarf around my neck. I felt clean. I climbed down my hallway debating on whether or not I eat at the guild. I decided to eat at the guild since I really didn't feel like cooking today. Maybe I would go on a job? Hopefully.

I slid on my sandals at my front door and pushed it open. I covered my eyes from the shining sun for a moment, then I removed them slowly. I looked down as I made my way over to the guild hall. I kicked small pebbles along the way. I would look down all the different roads and watch as people did what they normally do. What time was it? I yawned, for I was still tired from not getting enough sleep the night before.

The guild hall came to view and I sprinted the rest of my way there. I pushed the doors open to be greeted by a few people. I nodded in response as I quickly took a seat next to Lucy and Wendy, who were talking about the wedding.

"I'm so excited!" Wendy cheered, her hands clasped together. I smiled at her.

"Same! I'm so happy for the both of them! I knew it was going to happen all along!" Lucy squealed. I frowned at her.

She raised an eyebrow at me. "What's your problem?" she asked, crossing her arms. I shook my head. There was no point in telling her. Lucy liked to gossip. She would spread it around the guild in no time.

That is, until I felt another stare on my right side that gave me shivers.

"Tell us what's wrong!" That voice. It can scare away some of the baddest wizards around with how harsh and demanding it was. Especially since it belonged to a woman. I turned my head slowly to the right, only to see a flash of scarlet hair. I squeaked and covered my head with my arms. But it didn't help, because I was soon being dragged across the floor by Erza Scarlet.

Tears full of fear began to fill my eyes as I reached out. "Wendy! Help me!" I shrieked. The girl only laughed at me, and I was soon pulled into another room.

How rude!

I was soon tossed across the room like a bag of trash being thrown in the dumpster. My left shoulder clashed with the wall, making me wince in pain. I could hear the sounds of heavy metal getting closer to me.

She was standing right in front of me! I grabbed my shoulder tightly as I looked up at Erza. A dark aura surrounded her, and at that moment I knew I wouldn't get out alive unless I told her the truth.

"Explain! What has got you so upset about this wedding?" Erza asked, bending down in front of me. I heard giggling and sounds of shushes coming from the other end of the door. It made me wonder who was out there? Erza most likely heard them too, because she walked to the door and gave everyone out there death stares. People began to push their ways in every other direction but ours.

She shut the door quietly and stood there. She faced my direction with her arms crossed. The scarlet looked determined. She would wait here all day until I gave my answer. That meant no water or food.

I had no choice but to tell her. I mean, she is a sisterly figure to me.

She raised an eyebrow at me and I sighed. "Any day now," she said quietly.

I looked at her. My eyes became glassy as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"I'm happy for the both of them. I really am," I managed to speak. I wanted to cry so badly, but that one tear made me feel selfish and pitiful.

Erza crossed her arms. She eyebrow soon fell and she gave me a normal look. "Then why are you crying?"

I looked down, feeling the single tear drop on my ankle. It soon evaporated away, leaving no trace of it behind. "I'm not crying."

Erza didn't say anything. She just looked down at her feet. She sighed and walked back over to me. She kneeled down on one knee and picked up both of my hands into her cold, iron grasp.

"Natsu, you know you can tell me anything. I won't judge you for it," she whispered, seeming like there were probably still people out there. Maybe they sent Gajeel to listen in since he had good ears.

Another tear began to roll down my cheek, but it sizzled away before it could fall. "I'm happy for the both of them. But, even though I'm not getting married, them being together seems wrong."

Erza smiled. Did she understand?

"Please continue?"

I nodded. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes, waiting for words to fall out of my mouth. "The thing is, I've liked Gray for a while. And for a while, I mean a long time. Probably since we were kids. And I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't find the courage to do so."

Erza nodded and released my hands. She was smiling at me as she lifted me up from the ground. She then slammed me into a painful hug and pet my head. "I'm glad you told me. Does anyone else know?"

I nodded slowly. The cold armor chilled my ear. Erza pulled me away with a concerned look. "Who?"

"Mira," I said, looking down to the ground. Erza only nodded.

"Well, I'm leaving. By the way, no missions until after the wedding," the scarlet said as she waved a goodbye and left the room.

No missions? What was the point of even coming here today!? Oh yeah, to get some food.

I left the room and made my way to the bar. I felt like a whole lot of pressure has been lifted off of me. It made me feel happy.

I smiled at Mirajane, who was serving Macao and Romeo. She smiled back at me. "How did the talk go?" she asked as she left the father and son alone. I pretended to think for a moment. "It was good," I replied.

It felt really good to talk to someone else.

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