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Grocery day for the guild. Yay.

It was my turn to go shopping. Apparently, the master decided that instead of him buying groceries for the guild, everyone has a week before it's their turn. So, here we are. Ordering twenty boxes of food and booze at each store is very normal.

And you're probably wondering who 'we' is.

As soon as I left the guild, I was immediately followed by both Mirajane and Erza. How pleasant, since they both knew my secret. I trailed behind Mira and Erza slowly, while the two giggled about something. They whispered things back and forth, making one laugh, the other laugh, or both laugh.

I would eaves drop, but I refused since they are two of the most scariest people in Fairy Tail. I grunted as the two let out loud screeches. They both sounded like lunatics. I rolled my eyes with despair. I then noticed that the two girls kept taking small glances in my direction. They were probably talking about me. That is, until they waited for me to catch up.

Mira wrapped an arm around my left side and Erza on my right side. What were the two planning?

"So, how is our Natsu doing today?" Mirajane asked using her usual, sweet voice. I rolled my eyes. Definitely up to something. I played along and acted like I wasn't suspicious. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my feet. "Fine, really."

That's when Erza joined in on our conversation.

"You haven't talked to us the whole time we were out here. It just makes me wonder what you're thinking about?" Erza stated slyly. Though, I know what she was trying to do. I raised my eyebrow, looking in her direction. She instantly looked away so I wouldn't see that slick grin that she wore everytime she had some 'good' idea. I rolled my eyes and faced forward. I didn't want to walk into anyone while we were moving. I heard Mira whisper something to Erza. Erza argued back. Old vibes. I hadn't heard those two argue in forever.

Mirajane then cleared her throat. Her turn to speak. "So, how's it going with you and Gray?" I groaned. Did we really need to talk about this now? The wedding was only a few weeks away! I needed to get my mind on something else.

"No. I left to go shopping. I'm not talking about this." Erza grunted. Mira just smiled. I knew deep down that she wanted to bring out her inner demon, but we were in public and she would frighten everyone. Mostly the children, since most of them don't even know who she is. We were quiet. This was getting really awkward for me. So all they wanted to do was talk about Gray? Wow, great friends.

I then saw a flash of wavy blue hair. Erza and Mirajane must have caught it too, because Erza started waving her arms in the direction of the girl.

"Juvia! Over here!"

Today was my day all right.

Juvia looked up at our direction and smiled. Atleast until she saw me. I know I like Gray and all, but she's the one getting married to him! Does she even know I like him, or does she just dislike me for being around him? I thought she was my friend! I mean, I'm the one who designed her wedding dress!

I can always burn the thing anyways...

I heard footsteps coming in our direction to see Juvia with a stoic face. The same face she wore the first time we met her.

"What brings you guys out here?" Juvia asked. Her voice was soft. But I couldn't let that fool me. She was holding a medium sized brown paper bag. Knowing her, it was probably a new outfit or swimsuit to impress her fiancé.

"Just grocery shopping for the guild. It's Natsu's day, and we decided to accompany him so he wouldn't do anything stupid," Erza laughed, making Mira giggle in agreement. I flushed angrily.

"What am I gonna do? Destroy the whole town?" I mumbled. Mira and Erza both removed their arms from my shoulders and crossed their own arms. Juvia did the same. All three women were looking at me.

"You have no room to talk," Mirajane said. She was right. And if I talked back, they would have a whole file cabinet of proof. I sweat dropped. I shouldn't have said anything.


Juvia decided to go shopping with us.

It was horrible for me, because she was my crushes fiancé.

I was shoved into multiple stores to order boxes of meats, vegetables, fruits, sweets, drinks, and metals. I signed a few papers saying to deliver it to the guild by the next day. All the pay on me.

And now, I was sitting outside a dressing room while the girls tried on so many new outfits.

All pay on me.

And I thought I was supposed to go grocery shopping! That's way better than this!

"How does this look on me, Natsu?" Erza asked, coming out with a slightly revealing red dress. It really did suite her though. The dress was skin tight until it reached her hips, where the skirt swayed freely. The dress was made of a shiny silk that complemented her hair and skin.

I smiled, giving her two thumbs up. She took a bow and went back into her dressing room.

Mirajane then came out. She wore a blue dress with a white jacket. The silver looked beautiful. Dress matched her blue eyes, and her smile made her shine more.

"You look beautiful, Mira," I said, wearing a kind smile on the lower half of my face. She giggled and thanked me.

"I really needed something to wear to the wedding." And she went back into the dressing room. I relaxed into the bench. It took me a while to realize that I was waiting in the girls dressing room, but no one cared. Some lady came in and glared at me. She wasn't young, but she wasn't old either. I glared back at her, and we had a small staring contest until she ran into the door of the handicapped dressing room.

I snorted when Erza, Mira, and Juvia all came out.

I realized that Juvia didn't show me her outfit.

"Alright, let's go check out," Erza said, marching out of the dressing room. Mirajane and Juvia followed, making me trail behind.

I paided for all the clothes, seeing that Juvia has bought a dress shirt and skirt. The woman at the desk wrapped everything in plastic bags and I gave her the jewel.

I walked outside with three happy woman who were chatting in front of me. The walk was longer than I expected. It took about fourty-five minutes when it could have been ten minutes if I walked by myself. We reached the guild safely. The sky was orange, almost turning into a dark blue. I smiled at the sight before I walked inside.

Juvia jumped into Gray's arms, Mira went back to the bar and was greeted by Kinana, and Erza sat back at the girls table.

I was alone again.

I grunted and sat beside Lucy, placing my head on her shoulder. I groaned with exhaustion and she pushed my head off her shoulder.

"What's with you?" Lucy asked, facing away from everyone else. I began to whine, complaining about my day to my blonde friend. I received a laugh in response. Only, it wasn't her laugh.

"Someone couldn't handle shopping with the girls, huh Flame Brain?"

My heart fluttered. I turned to Gray's direction to see him standing there with his usual smirk. His arms were crossed over one another. And his clothes were gone.

"Your clothes are gone," I said. Gray groaned, but sat down next to me. He really didn't care, did he?

The two of us soon joined in on the conversation with the girls. We teased them for the rest of the night. Everyone joked around with one another.

I was having so much fun that I hadn't realized that I only had two weeks left.

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