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I couldn't sleep. There was so much on my mind. Gray was marrying Juvia and did it want to tell me? Okay, maybe I was being a hypocrite. I left the guild hall for a vacation without telling everyone ahead of time. Besides, it was a relationship they formed while I was gone. It isn't like it was any of my business anyways. I bit my lip and looked around the hotel room. Our day clothes were scattered across the floor, as well as our shoes towards the door. The bathroom door was wide open, allowing a smaller night light to let in some of its brightness while we sleep. Loud snores came from the opposite side of the room. Gray. He and I had to share a room.

There was only one bed. Gray had called it, and he looked at me to see if I was going to protest. I decided that I would take the couch, and he looked at me like I was crazy. He then shrugged and hopped in bed—of course he wasn't going to complain. Now, I'm laying here on this uncomfortable piece of furniture with Gray in the same room as me. It makes me want to sneak into the girls room and climb in bed in between them.

Anything to stay away from Gray.

I stared up at the ceiling and listened to the loud snores. I placed a pillow on top of my head, but it didn't help. I sat up on my sleeping spot and looked at the ice mage, who was kicking his blanket off of his bed. He curled up into a ball, then stretched his legs out again. It made me wonder what he was dreaming about. Probably kicking ass, earning reward money, marrying Juvia . . .

I stood up from the couch and made my way to the door. I had to get out of there before I went crazy. I pushed it open and blocked my eyes from the lights in the hallway. Once they were used to the light, I walked two doors down from my own. I knocked on the door and heared sudden voices inside. "Erza! Get the door! If it's room service, tell them we don't want anything from them!"

"No! I'm trying to get some sleep! Since you're trying to make me do it, why won't you do it, Lucy?" The walls were pretty thin.

Sounds of footsteps could be heard. I listened as they got closer to the door. I rested my arm along the door frame and waited for whoever it was to unlock the door. I came face to face with a shocked Lucy.

"N-Natsu? What are you doing? It's like one in the morning?" Lucy yelped as I pushed passed her. Erza glared at me with tired eyes as I took a seat on their couch. "Can't sleep. Gray is just too loud of a sleeper," I explained to Lucy before Erza could even repeat the question. She snorted. Shaking her head, she looked at Lucy, who made her way to the other side of the bed. "It's hard to believe that you two are actually sharing a bed. How did that happen?" Erza asked.

I raised and eyebrow and crossed my arms. "Who said we were sharing a bed?"

"So you two fought over the bed and you ended up winning?" Erza asked, shifting in her bed to get more comfortable. Lucy began biting on her fingers as she leaned against the head on the bed. I rolled my eyes. When Gray and I fought, it normally ended with us sharing a bad or Gray deciding that it would be too hot for him and sleep on the floor—victories for me.

"No, I just offered to take the couch," I said, earning shocked looks from both girls, just as I expected. Lucy looked at Erza, and Erza looked at Lucy. The two then looked back at Natsu, eyes widened and eyebrows raised. In unison, both girls said, "Without a fight?" It was as if the world was ending to them.

I snorted and stood up, stretching my arms over my head. I rolled my eyes. "Is it really that unbelievable?" The two girls nodded. Lucy then clasped her hands together and took in a deep sigh. "I never imagined this day would come. A day of peace and harmony. And no fighting!" Erza nodded at Lucy, then she raised an eyebrow. "I actually don't remember seeing them fight since Natsu first came back. It's a miracle, isn't it."

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