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Yesterday, we had finished decorating the guild hall. To be honest, I was kind of impressed at how it looked. No where near to what it was like in my dream. Everything was white and red. Sadly, red didn't really suite Gray. Maybe he wanted to try something different?

Juvia went to go and pick up her dress from the tailor, who had finished putting the final touches on three days ago. So, she wasn't going to be a burden for about an hour.

Gray, however, still needed to get a suite. Who was the best person for that job? Why, Freed of course. Sadly, he was on a mission with the Thunder Legion for the week, so Makarov suggested me as the next best choice.

A special thanks to Gramps for making me feel kind of better about this wedding. I was being sarcastic, by the way.

I waited at my table alone while Gray went to use the bathroom before we left. He came out a few moments later with his jacket completely gone. I rolled my eyes at the sight and and we both made our way to the guild doors.

A cold breeze hit my face and I looked up at the sky. It looked like it was going to rain. Naturally this time.

It hasn't rained in forever, so it would feel good to cool off the area a bit. Gray and I walked down the road. I lifted my hands behind my head and sighed. It seemed very awkward. If it was this awkward, then it just made me wonder what it would be like if it was Freed and Gray. I laughed to myself, making Gray look at me.

"What's so funny?" he asked. I sighed and looked back at him. "Ah, nothing," I replied.

The raven rolled his eyes.

We reached the shopping part of the town, where all the small shops are located. A few food stands had caught my eyes as I realized I was so hungry. I looked at Gray, and it looked like he had the same feeling. We smiled at each other and ran to the nearest food stand.

"How may I help you two fine gentlemen?" The man at the booth asked. I looked up at the menu. What caught my eye was a pretzel, but a hot dog also sounded good to me. Gray ordered first.

"Can I have a hot dog please?" He was still looking at the menu to see if there was anything else. The man wrote that down on a notepad and looked in my direction.

"I'll have the same," I ordered, making the man write '2' next to 'Hot Dog'.

"Will that be it for you two?" The man asked as he placed two hot dogs on a grill. Gray nodded his head and pulled out some jewel. I stared at him, grabbing his wrist in the process. He looked at me like he was confused.

"What are you doing?" he asked as I took his jewel away from him. I smirked an evil smirk and pulled out my own jewel. "I'm paying. How much would that be, Sir?" I asked the man before the raven could protest.

"200 jewel please," the guy replied. I reached into my pocket for my own jewel to pay for both of our small lunches. Gray gave me a disgusted look knowing that I still had his jewel. The man turned around for his payment, and I gave him the jewel. I looked at Gray and smiled. "No worries. I'm paying today," I snickered.

Gray rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Less jewel for you." He faced the inside of the booth and watched as the man flipped the hot dogs. I sweat dropped, but soon realized that I would have an excuse to go on another mission.

I turned away from Gray, and I ran into a girl with light blue hair. I jumped and bumped into Gray. The two of us fell back with myself landing on top of him.

"Agh! Dammit Natsu!" Gray shouted as I groaned. I know I didn't land on the ground this time, but falling on Gray was really painful. I rolled off of him and helped him off the ground.

The girl snorted, also helping Gray up while I dusted myself off. She smiled at the both of us as we stood closer together. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you fall," the girl said. The girl had hazelnut brown eyes and light pink lips. She had pale skin and was shorter than me. And she was beautiful.

"It's okay. I wasn't paying attention," I said, smiling and placing my hands behind my head. Gray snorted.

"All you did was turn away from me, Flame Brain."

"Shut up! I only turned away because you looked away!" I fired back. The girl laughed while Gray and I shot glares back at each other. I looked away from him and at the girl.

"I'm sorry. My name is Natsu. The rude guy is Gray," I said. Gray grunted and gave a small wave. The girl waved back.

"I'm Paisley." I nodded. Gray raised an eyebrow as the man behind the stand handed him his hot dog.

Paisley looked over at my right shoulder and gasped. "A-are you the Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail?" I nodded slowly, glaring at Gray while he dug into his hot dog.

Paisley looked over my shoulder and at the raven. "A-and you're Gray Fullbuster of Fairy Tail, I suppose." Gray sweat dropped. I snorted. She supposed? Hah! That was good.

Gray only nodded in response. The man handed me my hot dog and we walked out of line to talk to the bluenette. That's when she pulled out a notebook and started jotting things down.

"Uh, what's that?" Gray asked as he chewed on his hot dog. I peaked over to see her scribbling all over the notebook. It's hard to read upside down, okay?

"Oh nothing! So, tell me about yourselves. Any new spells? Upcoming events? Secret crushes?" She made the last one sound creepy, and at the same time I flushed at the word crushes. Gray only rolled his eyes and grabbed my shoulder.

"Let's go Natsu," Gray said in monotone. I took another bite of my hot dog and followed. It's annoying to be questioned by Sorcerer Weekly reporters.

"Wait!" Paisley shouted, making me look back. Gray stopped in his tracks and looked back as well. Paisley ran up to the two. She was gasping for air, which made her look bad, considering the run was only fifteen feet.

"There's... one question... that I really want to know. Are... you two... in a relationship at all? It just seems like it and I won't tell anyone!" The girl squealed, regretting she even asked. My face flushed red and I covered my mouth at the thought. Gray just froze. His eyes began to widen, and soon his hand squeezed my shoulder tighter.

"G-Gray!" I screeched as I tried to free myself from his grasp. He snapped back to reality and shook his head. A scowl filled his lips.

"I am to be married in a few months." He dragged me away from the lonely reporter who began to jot down notes in her notebook. It made me wonder if that would make the next Sorcerer Weekly magazine. She had little to no information after all.

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