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The bachelors party was tomorrow.

That meant that the wedding was eight days away. How pleasant?

Gray and Juvia were currently in a debate on whether or not we have the bachelors party at the guild hall or not. Gray wanted to go somewhere else because the place was already decorated, and if the whole place was trashed, we would have to replace everything. That meant paying the same large bill that we paid for when we got everything.

Juvia wanted us to stay so we wouldn't destroy anything outside of the guild hall. And if we did destroy something, it would be a larger bill on us.

But I had to agree with Gray on this one. Believe me, there was no way I was going to redecorate the place of the ceremony.

Mirajane and Erza also agreed with Gray. They also did not want to redecorate the guild hall, and it would be nice to get out of the place since we couldn't go on missions.

The rest of the girls, however, agreed with Juvia. They had no good reason to, though. They just didn't want to pay a larger bill.

The debate was over when Makarov chose Gray's side. And since he was guild master, he gave orders. Away it was.

Now we just needed to find out where.

Gray and Romeo suggested the beach since we haven't been there in a while and it was getting pretty close to winter time. Getting a little sun wouldn't hurt.

Bixlow and Elfman, however, chose to go skiing since we always went to the beach. Gray was having second thoughts about his decision until Makarov decided we could go to the beach.

And we all know why the old man wanted to go to the beach in the first place; to see all the women in their bikinis.

What a pervert...


"Alright ladies! We have a train to catch!" Lucy shouted as she carried her suitcase out the doors, followed by all the girls, who were waving their goodbyes. Apparently, the girls were most definitely going shopping. They just never told us they were going shopping in Crocus! Plus, they already had a hotel booked and everything!

Gajeel was over by the door, squeezing Levy tightly, telling her to be safe and all the other things lovers would say to one another.

Juvia ran over to Gray, pecking him on the lips before she screeched, "I'll see you later, my beloved!" Gray gave a kind smile and waved goodbye as the guild hall doors closed behind the girls.

I threw up in my mouth.

"Alright guys, we will meet here first thing at 6:30am to catch the train! That means you have to wake up!" Makarov announced, giving a glare to mine and Gray's direction. Everyone else turned and stared. I mean, yeah, we are two of the guilds heaviest sleepers, but he didn't need to target us like that! I crossed my arms and pouted. Gray grunted and placed his head on the table.

A snicker came from Laxus's direction, but I wasn't in the mood to fight.

"After everyone is here, we will go to the train station together." People nodded around the guild hall. Everyone stood up, understanding their orders.

"If you're late, we're leaving without you!" Makarov shouted. I stood up and scratched the back of my head, making my way towards the guild hall doors. I walked home by myself, watching the sky turn to a dark, dark blue. It was peaceful.

I reached the front door of my house. It was dark and quiet. It was cold.

I began to heat myself up as I made my way to the bedroom, placing my scarf on my nightstand and laying down on my bed. I stared up at the ceiling, my eyes getting heavier and heavier. Tomorrow was supposed to be a big day.

A day to celebrate with Gray.

For his wedding.


I shot up out of bed. I could've sworn I heard something moving around in the kitchen. I slowly reached for my scarf, twisting it around my neck. I stood up and tip-toed quietly out of the room.

I slowly made my way to the front room, only to see nothing. Nothing out of place. No one out of place. Everything was just how I left it.

I relaxed. Maybe I was just imagining things?

I went back to my room to change, pack my things, and headed to the guild hall. It was still kind of dark, so I lit my finger up to see what was in front of me. I reached the guild hall safely to see almost every male there, except for a certain ice mage.

Must've woken up late. Of course.

Makarov was rolling around in his wheel chair counting to see if everyone was there. He growled when he realized there was only one person missing. The groom himself.

It was 6:27am.

He was going to be late.

When the clock struck 6:29am, the ice mage came charging in like a mad man. His shoes were untied. His pants weren't up all the way. His shirt was unbuttoned. His hair was a mess. He was panting like crazy. Yep, he definitely woke up late. I tried to hold in a snort, along with Gajeel and Laxus, but Gray only glared at me.

"Shut your trap, Flame Brain!" I obeyed.


Everyone reached the train station. All the employees for the train were all startled that most of the Fairy Tail guild was on their train and put us in our own car so we wouldn't destroy anything. Though, they could've counted on me to not be a trouble maker because when I sat in my seat-

"I'm gonna die!" I whined. Sitting next to me was a grumpy Gray. Across from me was a motion sick Gajeel. Gajeel had a whole seat to himself, so he curled up on his side and tried to close his eyes, only to nearly barf all over Gray and I as a result.

"This sucks!" Gray said, looking out the window. He had no one to talk to and all he had to hear the whole way was two dragon slayers complain about the train ride. It wasn't my fault Makarov assigned seats! And I didn't choose to be in this body!

My cheeks puffed up as I felt something warm coming up from my stomach. I had to hold it in, so I swallowed it back down, leaving a burning sensation in my throat. I coughed a few painful coughs, and Gajeel looked at me in disgust. He was trying to get some sleep and I was coughing all over him.

His look went away when he covered his mouth and turned away. Now, all I could see was his long, spiked hair and the bottoms of his shoes.

He really needed a hair cut.

"Gray! Get Wendy!" I cried, tugging on his shirt, suddenly realizing that Wendy wasn't here in the first place. I groaned and sunk in my seat. I heard weird muffling sounds coming from Gray, so I looked over I his direction. He was trying not to laugh.

I pouted, my eyes soon growing heavy. I wanted to keep them open, but the pain in my stomach was starting to go away. I soon approached darkness and felt something cold on my left cheek.

And I was like that for a while before a hand made its way around me, pulling me closer to its source.

Gray didn't push me off of him...

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