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I hate myself for loving Gray when he's about to get married in a month. I hate myself for being so selfish when my best friend is getting married to Juvia. I hate myself for being jealous over something that was bound to happen. I should've seen this coming from a mile away. I had plenty of time to tell Gray my feelings before Juvia joined Fairy Tail and before he proposed to to her. That's plenty of time. I've known the guy for almost my whole life.

That is why I hate myself.

I found out that Gray chose Loke to be his man of honor, while Juvia chose Lucy to be the maid of honor. Of course, Lucy squealed when Juvia chose her over Aquarius. Gajeel scowled at Gray for choosing a celestial spirit over him. That's what Gray had told Gajeel when they were sitting at the bar that one time. But Gray still made him a groomsman, along with Romeo and Alzack. Juvia's bridesmaids were Wendy, Bisca, and Lisanna. Erza was pumped when Juvia asked her to be the best woman. The reaction Erza made had everyone laughing.

But Makarov hasn't found a priest yet. I suggested that he be the priest since he was the oldest one there, which got I in trouble for. Being crushed by his fist is pure torture. Then, Gray thought of the first, but I had to remind Gray that the first was gone for good now, along with Zeref.

Apparently, everyone decided that Gramps had to do it. He declined, but Mirajane and Erza both threatened that if he didn't make the couple become husband and wife, they would torture him.

Both had dark auras around them, and it made the master 'happily' agree to become the priest for the wedding. Out of all people, Gray decided that Pantherlily were to be the ring bearer and Asuka be the flower girl. Alzack and Bisca happily agreed at idea.

And now, the bachelor party was coming up. In just three weeks, it was the only thing that all the guys in the guild were talking about. Yes, Gray had invited all the guys at the guild to party. At the guild. Juvia decided to take all the girls shopping instead of partying.

She's lucky there's not as many girls as there are guys.

Just thinking too much about this stupid wedding is making me dizzy. I gagged, trying to hold in my lunch, when I felt a slap on my shoulder.

"You're so pale, Salamander! Whatchya thinking about?" Gajeel said as he plopped down next to me, and it made my stomach jump. After a quiet moment, it went away and I took in a deep breath. "Just thinking about the wedding."

Gajeel laughed. He looked across the room in the direction of Gray, who was eating lunch with his... ugh... future wife.

"You're not the one getting married ya know." I nodded, understanding the situation. And that's when an evil smirk filled the lower half of my face. I slowly turned my head towards Gajeel's direction, him looking back at me with a disgusted face.


"So... you and Levy. When's she due?" Remember when Mira had told me that just about a month before I had came back, Levy had found out she was pregnant? That was about five months ago. What's getting me excited about this whole thing is that when Levy announced to Gajeel that they were having twins...

Oh my, his reaction was priceless!

His face flushed as he looked away shyly. I tried not to burst out laughing at how nervous he looked, but when he faced me, he looked like nothing had happened.

"We find out in two weeks," Gajeel replied to my answer, monotonously. I nodded. I could not wait to see the children, let alone babysit them while Gajeel and Levy were...

Wait a second! Just thinking about this made me have flash backs to my dream. Although Levy And Gajeel weren't Juvia and Gray, they were still making me watch their children while they both went on jobs together! It made me feel sick. Was this going to happen to me for the rest of my life? Was I going to be that one guy in the guild who dies lonely and watches everyone's children while they're away? Somewhat like Macao and Wakaba?

This is not happening!

"Uh, Salamander? Are ya good there?" Gajeel asked me. I had completely forgotten that he was even there. For some odd reason, I was curled up in a ball on my seat rocking back and forth with my arms covering the top of my head.

I looked up like I was just seeing the world for the first time while facing towards Gajeel's direction. I nodded. Gajeel rolled his eyes and stood up to see what kind of jobs the request board had today. I wanted to go on a job. Just not alone. I needed Happy. Where was he? It's been five months since he's left me at home to head to the guild hall!

I groaned when I realized that I was lonely again. I could go over to the girls table, but they would question me like last time.

I could go over to the bar, but talking to Mirajane sometimes gets too awkward. Though, she is the only one who knows about me.

I looked in her direction to see her filling up a cup for Max and Laki, two people who I haven't seen in a while. Probably went on some job.

My eyes wandered around the guild one more time. Then, fate had happened. Why? Because as soon as I looked in his direction, he looked in mine.


I wanted to shout that out loud, but it would probably attract too much attention. Juvia would probably hunt me down. She already made me break one of their decoration pieces.

I looked at the girls table and noticed that Juvia laughing about some joke that Wendy had came up with. I then quickly jumped out of my seat and ran across the guild hall and plopped down right next to the raven.

"Oh my goodness, I was so lonely!" I groaned. Gray laughed as I stretched my arms across the table. I looked at him through the corner of my eye to see him leaning on his fist.

"What's up?" he asked, noticing my stare. I looked away instantly, trying to hide my small blush. I sighed in response. "I know I'm not the one getting married, but this wedding is stressful!" I whined.

Gray smirked and let out a sad sigh. "Yeah."

I sat up and tilted my head to the left side. A drop of sweat rolled down his forehead. Did he feel under pressure? "You don't seem too happy about this wedding," I spoke my thoughts. I wanted to say something else, but there was no turning back now. I didn't even know what I was going to say after that. Gray gulped and began to fumble his fingers.

"I-I am. I'm the one who proposed, so of course I am!" the raven laughed, giving a nervous smile. The way he said it made me feel suspicious about him. I only smiled back and played along.

"Okay! When's the bachelor party again?" I asked as I began to pick at a piece of wood on the edge of the table, putting all my focus on it. Gray was silent for a moment, trying to remember the date. "It's the week before the wedding," Gray said, watching as I picked the piece of wood. I looked over at him and smiled. I nodded in response.

That's when I got lost in his eyes. I just couldn't stop staring. They were so blue! They reminded me of the night skies and an ocean at night. Someplace beautiful at night, and it makes you want to stay longer. I had realized that I was staring too long, because he raised an eyebrow at me. "Uh, Natsu?" I jumped and flushed immediately. I began to scratch the back of my head and looked away.

I keep making things awkward! What's wrong with me!?

"I'm gonna get some water. Want some?" Gray asked me. I nodded slowly as he stood up and left the table. I watched as he walked slowly to Mira.

I think I'm screwing up...

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