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I woke up to the loud sound of a train horn. I snapped awake, noticing that I fell asleep on a half asleep Gray. His head was against the window and his eyes were half way open. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me, instantly looking away as a small blush crept up his cheeks. I smiled and looked at Gajeel, whose eyebrow, or piercings, were raised.

"What's up with you two?"

Gray looked at Gajeel in a weird way, instantly stretching his arms out. "J-just tired," Gray yawned. Gajeel rolled his eyes and stood up to grab his bags. I did the same. Everyone climbed off the train, making our ways through the station and following the master to the hotel we had to stay in for the night. Though, it was about nine in the morning, we had plenty of time to hang out.

Laxus wheeled Gramps through the doors of the hotel. The lobby was huge! A crystal chandelier had hung in the center, along with small lamps hanging on the walls to light up the room. A wooden desk with a black marble top sat along the wall on the opposite side of the room, leaving the rest of the room full of black cushioned chairs, glass tables, and small to medium-sized house plants. The lady at the desk sweat dropped when she saw all of us walk through the doors. She instantly called up the back room to have two other people help her check us in.

We got five rooms for four in each room. I, unfortunately, got a room with Laxus, Freed, and Max. A weird combination. Hopefully I can deal with it.

The four of us shuffled to our room, carrrying our bags in tow. Laxus has a room key, so he unlocked the door for us. The room had two beds and a couch. There was a dresser and a desk, with a decent sized bathroom and a large window, giving us a view of our surroundings. I could see the beach. It was beautiful.

"I wanna go to the beach!" I shouted, jumping around with excitement. I shouted those same words, over and over again. I jumped up and down as I opened my suite case and search for my swim trunks. I earned stares from the other guys as I chanted my sentence over and over. And I forgot that they were also in the room with me when I started to change into my swimsuit.

"Hey! Don't change in here! Change in the bathroom!" Max shouted, shoving me into the the bathroom. I did as I was told, coming out of the bathroom with my red swim trunks and my scarf tied around my head. I grabbed a towel and put on my shoes, waving goodbye to my one night roommates.

I was walking towards the elevator, only to hear footsteps behind me.

"Natsu!" a familiar voice shouted. I turned around to see Gray running towards me. He also wore swim trunks and had a towel over his left shoulder.

He slowed down when he reached me.
"Are you going to the beach, too?"

I looked down at my swim trunks, them at my towel, then back at him. "Well, obviously!" I said. He smiled and rolled his eyes. Our relationship has changed a lot. It's like our rivalry is still there, but we are greater friends than before.

He pressed the down button on the elevator and we waited there silently. The doors opened suddenly, and we raced inside. I pressed the button that would take us to the lobby. We went down two floors until the elevator opened, revealing a group of loud, chatty girls. Gray groaned as the seven girls took up most of the space in the elevator.

One began to check Gray out.

She looked him straight in the eyes, observing him closely. Gray tried his best to not look at her. He was nervous.

Gray looked over at me for help. And I didn't know what to do.

I began to run things through my head. Some ideas weren't good, and some ideas weren't bad. That is, until I got a brilliant idea.

Gray was probably going to hate me for this.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and smiled at the girl. "Excuse me, but to me, it looks like you're checking him out!"

The girl raised an eyebrow at me. I began to grow nervous as well.

"W-well, he's taken already!"

"By who?" another girl asked. All eyes were on the three of us. I looked at Gray, who was looking directly back at me. We were just inches apart, and my heart began to race. The girls were just staring at us. I was scared, but I had to help my best friend.

"By m-me, of course," I gasped. Nobody moved. Gray flushed slightly, still looking in my direction. The girl in front of us flushed as well.

Then, the quiet elevator became loud again. All the girls were squealing in our ears. I covered them immediately. Gray stood in shock. The girls were hugging each other. I'm just glad they weren't jumping up and down.

The elevator doors opened, revealing the lobby. I grabbed Gray's arm, and we pushed through the crowd of squealing girls. The lady at the desk looked at us like we were ridiculous. We made our ways out of the hotel lobby and outside to the fresh air of no squealing girls.

I released Gray's arm and flushed slightly, playing with my scarf that was tied around my head. The raven was still shocked about what I said. I raised an eyebrow at his face.

"Gray? Are you okay?" I questioned. He looked at me and smiled like nothing had happened.

"Y-Yeah. I'm okay," he blew some of his hair out of his face, but it went back to its same position. I smiled and we began to walk to the beach. It was quiet. A few people were walking by us. I noticed a few interesting shops. Kids were laughing, birds were chirping, everything was amazing.

"I'll race ya to the beach!" Gray shouted as the beach came to view. He had a head start, laughing along the way.

"Hey! No fair!" I cried behind him, racing after the raven. We laughed as we ran with me trying my hardest to catch up to him.

These are days I would love to have everyday. These amazing days where it's just Gray and I.

I'm going to miss it.

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