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Days began to get faster. Pretty soon, weeks blew away just like that. A whole month had passed since I had noticed that the red on the rock had grown. However, it never grew again.

I went on a few missions with Lucy during the month. One of them was when we had to find a spell book for a potion user—someone like Porlyusica.

The other we had to do was to go to Crocus and help set up for an upcoming event for the queen's birthday party. They offered for us to stay, but we declined knowing that we still had tons of planning to do.

Although I really wanted to miss the wedding, I couldn't back down on my best friend. I mean, I was chosen to be Gray's best man by Gray himself. I felt pretty good about it.

I was making my way to the guild hall. It was about 7:43am. For some odd reason, it felt good to wake up early today. The sun was bright and the breeze was light. It was just a perfect day.

The guild hall began to come into view and I smiled. Loud noises were coming from the inside as people were carrying in chairs, boxes, and a lot of folded table covers.

I sighed. They were never going to call this thing off.

I approached the door to see one man struggling to carry one box while Erza walked through the door with confidence carrying about ten of them.
I smirked and took the box from the man, placing them along the stage with all the others.

I walked over to where Gramps was sitting. His arms were folded and he wore a determined face. He gave me a small smile when I approached him. "Good morning Natsu," he said. I smiled back at him. "Good morning."

"You seem full of energy."

"Yeah, I was wondering if you guys needed help with anything?" Gramps nodded and pointed to a carriage that was being unloaded at the front doors.

"There are some decorations in the back of the carriage. Can you get those and place them on that table?" Makarov pointed over towards the table closest to the stage near all the boxes. I nodded and left him alone.

A rush of warm breeze hit me as I took my first step back outside. It felt good, and I felt a smile creep along my lips. I climbed into the carriage and through the boxes by the entrance. I tripped over one box and landed on another, hurting my stomach in the process. I clutched my stomach as I made my way towards the back.

I picked up the nearest vase and a bag full of white and red roses. I placed the bag into the vase so that I could grab another one. Once I had two vases and two bags of roses, I made my way out of the carriage. My life, however, had different plans, and I only bumped into someone else.

I landed on one of the boxes, hurting my back this time. I hissed through my teeth at the sudden pain. I realized I had dropped one of the vases, but it didn't break. I sat up slowly and saw Gray standing there with his mouth wide open.

"I'm so sorry!" Gray said as he grabbed my unoccupied hand and helped me to my feet. I grunted, "It's okay," and reached to pick up the vase and roses. Gray climbed over me as I bent down, making the both of us fall.

"G-Gray!" I gasped as he landed on top of me. "What are you doing!"

"Trying to get to the back there, Flame Brain! What do you think I'm doing?" Gray replied. I growled in frustration, but I was glad I still hadn't broken the vases after all the damage they had.

"Well, falling on top of my won't get you anywhere near your goal, Popsicle Breath!" I shouted, though it didn't help my situation. Gray just sat on me.

He crossed his arms and grunted. "Well, this is kinda your fault, Ash for Brains!"

"How is this my fault? You're the one who decided to climb-"

"Shut up! Both of you!" Erza shouted from outside the carriage. It made the both of us jump. Gray quickly climbed off of me and pulled me into his arms, squeezing me tightly. I did the same.

"D-don't worry Erza! W-we are best friends! Right N-Natsu?" Gray stuttered. If I weren't in the situation, I would be laughing at him. But I was in that situation, and I was too afraid to laugh at him. "A-aye!" I replied. Erza nodded and gathered up the last of the boxes, making all the other guys scream with shock.

Show off, I thought.

Gray released me, though he didn't make a disgusted sound like he normally would. Instead, he rolled his eyes and said sorry. He never said sorry either.

He left me there with the two vases and bags of roses, and it made me wonder what has gotten into him. I just shrugged it off, stood up from my spot, and exited the carriage.

Suddenly, everything had slipped out of my arms. The vases fell and the roses were scattered everywhere. My mouth fell in complete shock at what had just happened. I didn't trip over anything! I had them right in my arms! What's could've possibly gone wrong?

That's when I felt it. My arms were cold. They were shaking madly. I looked down to see them soaked with water. The water on my arms dripped down on the broken pieces of the vase.

I heated myself up, making the water steam. I felt sharp eyes on me, so I looked around. I noticed Gray looking at me from the carriage. His mouth was wide open in shock as well. I also noticed Erza beginning to pick up the broken vase pieces and the roses.

Then I noticed someone else in particular. Someone who most likely made me drop the vases. I frowned immediately as I saw the woman with blue hair sit behind the bush with her hand dripping with water as well.

Who would've suspected that someone who had changed and can seem so innocent had done this? Some people change, and some don't. Some even pretend that they have, when they really haven't.

How I know this, you may ask?

Because Juvia Lockser has just showed her true colors.

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