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A few tears dropped down his cheeks, all though it didn't look like he was crying.The first thing I noticed was the way he looked—same face, same haircut, same stupid expressions, same beautiful blue eyes. He was the same Gray I saw a year ago, and it made me smile. I realized that my feelings never vanished. My heart skipped two beats as arms wrapped around my body. Tears fell on my shoulder, and they sent shivers up and down my spine. The one person I missed the most was hugging me.

I didn't know what to do. Or even more, what to say. All I could do was hug him back. We were two friends reuniting, and it was a wonderful moment. I buried my head in his shoulder and hummed, "I'm back, Gray. I'm not going anywhere."

What made me feel embarrassed on the inside was that I forgot everyone was looking. He squeezed me tighter wanting to make sure it wasn't a dream. I squeezed him back to tell him it was reality. We released, and I could notice a few cold tears running down his cheeks. Gray wore a warm smile that I would hardly never see due to the fact that I would often tease him. It warmed my heart just seeing it again.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to come face to face with Juvia. The girl didn't look too happy, and my smile faded away. I flushed and felt myself shrinking under her glare. And then, something unexpected had happened. Juvia was hugging me. She hugged me tightly. I thought this would be some kind of trick after I hugged Gray. A warm smile ran across her face that made me smile. I hugged her back. I never really ever felt a hug from Juvia. And I never expected it to be a warm hug, since she's made of water and all. She placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled. A light blush filled her cheeks. "I'm glad you're back Natsu!" the girl said. I flashed my teeth at her.

This Juvia seemed way more different than the one I knew a year ago. She seemed to care about not only Gray, but me too. Maybe she pushed her feelings for him aside and decided it was time to focus on herself. That made me feel happy inside. If that were the case, good for her.

I sighed in relief as everyone went back to what they were doing before I even came back. It was like I never even left the guild hall. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lucy tap Juvia's shoulder. They began whispering about something, and then they both walked out of the guild hall. It made me curious, but I decided to let it be.

I sat down at the bar next to Gray, who smiled at me. "One water please," he spoke to Mira, who flashed a warm smile at the both of us.

Mira grabbed a cup from the cabinet and turned on the sink. She filled the cup with cold water and placed it where Gray was sitting, and she went back to turn the sink off. The raven grabbed the cup and patted my shoulder, walking over to an empty table that was soon occupied by Gajeel and Bickslow.

They began talking like they've been friends forever. Just a year ago, this guild hall would've been full of chaos, and the three of them would have been the center of it. It made me wonder what I missed during my one year absence.

"They seem to get along so much better, huh?" Mira asked, leaning over the counter. I looked at her, then back at the three now laughing men.

"Yeah. It's not as chaotic anymore."

Mira sighed and picked up a dry rag and wetted it with warm water from the sink. She rung it and began wiping down the counter. I moved my arms so she wouldn't miss that spot. "A lot of things have changed since you left."

"Really? Like what?"

"Wendy received a new power. She learned how to use transformation magic from Carla. And her and Romeo are pretty good friends." I nodded. I was glad that the two were starting to bond since they are the upcoming generation at Fairy Tail.

"Levy just found out she was pregnant last month. Gajeel wants to marry her after they have a kid, so they won't have to rush the planning. Plus, it gives him time to save up for a house for them." I smiled. I always wanted to have a kid when I was younger, and I still do. I could teach them my magic or something related to my magic since they wouldn't be trained by an actual dragon like I was.

Mira looked at me with her usual kind smile. "Gajeel wants you to babysit when he and Levy go on jobs." That sentence changed my entire look, and Mira laughed at my shocked expression. Of all people that are in this guild, Gajeel would choose me to babysit his child? I could not believe my ears. "Maybe you can teach them a little fire magic when they get old enough."

I looked at her and smiled. "That would be awesome! What an easy way to piss Gajeel off." That comment made Mira giggle. I couldn't express how excited I was. To be able to babysit a kid, that was exciting. Asuka made the experience interesting, so it made me wonder how Gajeel's kid would act.

I looked back at the boys table and watched as Gray laughed at something Bickslow said. I heard a gasp from behind me, and I groaned. Mira made a 'tsk' sound and placed the wet rag in the sink. She walked back over to me and leaned over the counter again. "You like him, don't you?"

That made me jump out of my seat. My face flushed a bright red, and I placed both of my hands over my mouth. Mira laughed at me like it was the funniest thing in the world. It makes me wonder what my expression looked like just then.

She calmed down and smiled her bright smile. "Don't worry. You're secret safe with me."

I sighed with relief. I loved Mirajane—you can always trust her even if she goes too far. She's too kind to never forgive. Plus, she was trustworthy, and all though she liked to gossip, she always kept the important stuff to herself. "Thanks Mira. I owe you one," I nervously laughed. She shook her head and glanced down at the counter. "You don't owe me anything."

I didn't owe her anything, for showing up was enough pay for her.

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