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"Hurry up Natsu! Erza will kill us!" Lucy cried as she and Wendy tried their best to pull me up the stairs.

After about fifteen minutes, both Wendy and Lucy have successfully dragged me to the guild hall. However, there was one flight of stairs that stood in their way, and we were only halfway up after five minutes.

"Natsu! You're going to waste time! We have about three hours and thirty minutes left!" Wendy cried.

But I wasn't in the mood to move. My heart was throbbing with sadness. Why, after every long day, did yesterday have to be so short? Especially since I don't remember anything from yesterday!

"I'll take it from here. Thanks for the effort," a voice that made my heart go back to life spoke. Gray! my mind cheered as he lifted me off the stairs and carried me into an empty room.

I heard giggling from next door, along with a few squeals and an "Erza! Don't do that!"

I was currently sitting in the middle of the floor with no clue on to what was currently happening.

Gray began to pace around the room for a moment. He then looked in my direction. "I'll be right back. Loke will be here in a few moments, Gray said as he left the room. He shut the door, leaving me there all on my own.

All I could hear was the girls next door. They were most likely helping Juvia get ready.

At this moment, I did not want to be here at all. I just wish that I could turn back time so that I could actually tell Gray that I loved him. It made me wonder what would be happening right now if I actually did tell him.

A single tear began to roll down my cheek, but this time, I let it fall. I wanted to let everything out while I was alone. And if Gray came in and saw that I was crying, I wouldn't care. I would tell him that these tears were because of me. Because I wanted to keep quiet and watch everything unfold in front of me. I would tell him that I loved him, but he wouldn't love me back. Because he was getting married to someone else.

And if someone else walked in, I would tell them the same. I honestly don't care about what anyone else thinks because after today, it would be impossible to get with him. He would soon be a married man and have a family with the one woman he loves while I'll be sitting in the shadows and growing old as it happens.

My single tear was soon followed by a bunch more. The thought of all of this made me feel sick in the stomach. The thought of Gray getting married to someone else made my whole world stop.

"What are you crying for?" a familiar voice said. I immediately wiped my tears away and crossed my arms. "N-nothing," I said.

I guess I lied about telling the truth.

"You sure? Because just a moment ago I swear I saw you crying," Loke smirked.

"S-shut up Loke," I said as soon as Gray walked through the door. He was followed by Romeo, Gajeel, and Alzack.

"Alright, lets get this day over with," Gajeel groaned. He picked up his white suite and began to take his jacket off.

"Hey, don't be like that. My wedding day was exciting!" Alzack fired, making Romeo giggle at his tone.

"Says you! Hardly anyone from the guild was even there!" Gajeel yelled. Everyone became quiet when someone said, "Levy! That's your future husband, all right," followed by a bunch of giggles.

Gajeel sweat dropped at the comment. "I will murder whoever said that."

Gray smiled and rolled his eyes. "I'll be back in a few minutes. Can you guys hurry up, please?" Gray asked as he made his way to the door.

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