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I haven't been on a mission in a while. I forgot how boring it was just to sit at the guild hall all the time. It's not that I don't like seeing everyone's faces all the time. In fact, I need to get used to some of the newer faces around the guild. But I needed to do something that would make me feel happy. I wanted to travel. I wanted to get team Natsu back together as well. That's when I asked Lucy, Erza, and Gray to go on a mission with me.

"Sure! Sounds fun!" Lucy cheered.

"Okay. Just don't pick a stupid one like you used to," Gray said.

"Sure! I have other things to do first. I'll be back in an hour," Erza said.

"Like what?" I asked. And with a snap, her face flushed red like her hair. Did I do something or is she having weird thoughts right now? She stood up from her seat and ran to the guild doors. "I can't tell you! It's top secret! I'll be back, Natsu!" The guild hall doors closed. I cocked my head to the side and looked at Laki, who was sitting next to the spot where Erza sat.

"What's her deal?" I asked. Laki just shrugged her shoulders. I walked away from that table and went to the board. I noticed that there were quite a few requests in today. I decided to go with one that had the most amount of pay, but seemed easy enough to get it. I didn't want to choose something too difficult after only just coming back to the guild. Our job was to capture a few robbers who stole from Hargeon's biggest bank. All of the currency there was gone, and the robbers were planning on going to Crocus's biggest bank next.

"The best strategy would be to beat them there. They might be on foot, so they will be tired and more vulnerable," Gray said. I groaned. If we walked to Crocus, that would take two days. So, I guess-

"We are taking a train," Erza declared.

"Ugh!" I groaned. I was not feeling it at all.


I held my arms over my stomach and tried my best to keep my mouth shut. The train roared over the train tracks loudly. The constant bumping made my head bounce. I gagged. I don't understand why us dragon slayer's have to have motion sickness! Lucy was half snoring while Gray and Erza were mumbling. I turned my head slowly towards Lucy, who sat in front of me. How can she sleep so peacefully? Magnolia hasn't came up with something to cure motion sickness by now? It's been a while!

"What will she say?" Erza asked. She sounded concerned. I slowly shifted my head towards her. I was curious, and I wanted to know what the two were talking about. "I don't know. That's why I have to wait and see," Gray shrugged.

Hey, just because I am weak and sick doesn't mean I couldn't listen in on conversations! I know I said I wouldn't let my curiosity get the best of me, but let's be real. It's a conversation! I can't help it but to listen. I leaned a little towards the two mages. However, my eyes widened when Erza glared at me. I quickly looked away, as if I was sleeping the whole time. There was no way she was going to fall for that.

It was silent. I was nervous.

I suddenly got smacked on the head by Erza, who earned a worried look from Gray. I groaned. I was being ignored by the two. "Why did you smack him?"

"He was listening in on us!" Erza exclaimed.

"Yeah? But he's sick! It's not like he'll remember anything! He's only worried about getting off the train! Besides, him knowing wouldn't be an issue!" I groaned again, trying to say something, but opening my mouth would probably make me throw up. I could feel Erza's evil glare on me. It made me shiver.

I heard her sigh, and she looked away. I've never felt so relieved. Not that it mattered anymore, I tilted my head over towards the conversation again. The two hadn't seemed to notice. Gray pulled a small black box out of one of his pockets. It made me wonder why he had a tiny box. Was it magic?

He opened it, and I noticed a light blue diamond ring. It's was really beautiful. The silver shone in the sun light that fell through the train window, and the diamond sparkled brightly. The light reflected onto our seats, as well as the seats in the empty booth next to us. Erza's mouth dropped. She gave Gray a shocked look. Her eyes widened with curiousity. "How much did it cost?"

Gray shrugged as he placed the box back into his pocket. He thought for a moment before he came up with an answer. "About 30,000 jewel. Let's just say that it took a while to save up for." Erza smiled. She took a breath and looked at the raven.

"It's good to know that you did that just for her. How long have you two been together again?"

"Almost a year. I didn't feel alone like I did without her. Natsu leaving just made me feel empty on the inside." I blinked a few times before coming to the realization that Gray cares for me. It made my heart warm up knowing that he had missed me when I was gone. But who were they talking about? Who was Gray with while I was gone?

Erza laughed. "When are you going to propose to her? I'm sure she will definitely say yes!"

I gagged. Propose!? Gray was going to propose to someone else? Who!? Why didn't he tell me before?My heart suddenly sank at the sound of this. It was because I was gone for a year. I hadn't talked to anyone but those who had stopped by. Our only conversations since I've came back were quick and simple, like "How was your day?" or "Are you staying to help Mira clean?" I would've known sooner, and our conversations would have more meaning if I haven't left the guild hall.

A single tear rolled down my cheek. It was cold and it made me shiver slightly. I looked towards the window, for I did not want to listen in on the conversation anymore. Whoever 'she' was is a lucky girl. If she says yes, they would be together for the rest of their lives. "When I find the right time to. I'm not even sure what I'lp day to her when I ask her," Gray laughed. Erza clasped her hands together and giggled.

"You'll find out eventually."

The train began to slow down, and Lucy began to wake up. She stretched her arms over her head and yawned. I, however, was still sick. Lucy looked over at the other two mages who were smiling brightly at each other. "What's up with you two? Your faces are creepy!" Lucy asked. You could still hear the tiredness in her voice. Erza looked in Lucy's direction, still wearing a bright smile. "Gray is proposing to Juvia!"

Juvia!? I thought he hated her! He would always reject her! I know, she changed since I left. But seriously, does he not know who she is? She's possessive, and she spied on Gray during our requests when she wasn't asked to go with us. But that also explains why she was so calm with me hugging Gray when I came back. Because they were already together . . . Maybe Gray decided to finally give her a chance, and it worked out well.

An ear splitting squeal filled the air, I tried to cover my ears, but one move would've made me spill my guts all over the train flood. Lucy squeezed Gray tightly, and Gray's face turn into a bright red. Lucy let go and bounced up and down in her seat.

"It's about time!" she said.

The train came to a stop. I opened my mouth and took in a deep breath, feeling all the nausea leave my body for good. I scrambled over to the window and opened it, taking in a big amount of fresh air. I felt so much better. I was pulled off the train by an excited Lucy. It felt like my arm was going to get ripped off by her if she kept this up.

It began to get darker and darker as the sun started to set. The four of us made our way to our inn. Erza, Gray, and Lucy were laughing about what Juvia's reaction to Gray's proposal would be like. I stood behind the three of them, arms crossed with my head down.

If only I had enough courage to speak up. I wonder how different my life would be then . . .

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