Chapter 6:

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Chapter 6:

Third Person's POV-

Lord M. just stared with his mouth hung wide open from gasping.

"No. No way man. How?! What?!", Lord M. signed erratically trying to comprehend what I just told him.

"Yes.", Gumball signed to him sadly while tears started streaming down his face again, "Marshall already felt so unwanted & betrayed. I decided to take the blame myself. It would have just crushed him even more if he knew that the foster mother that he loved unconditionally & with all of his heart was the one who put him back in foster care.", He explained to him.

"Marshall was so angry & I decided that I would be the person that he should channel all of that anger towards. It wasn't a total lie anyway. If I hadn't told Simone about everything, then she never would have called CPS on herself.", He finished explaining to Lord M. .

"You did the right thing though!",exclaimed Lord M.

"But, it felt horrible!", Gumball exclaimed right back, "Simone's problem used to be so small, so manageable, but then it kept growing & growing and there way always some new disaster to prepare against!"

Lord M. then rubbed the back of his neck, rolled his eyes at himself, & asked, "Is that why you guys stopped hanging out with me? Well, not as much anyway..."

"No! I mean...", Gumball tried to explain but the sound of the kettle going off interrupted his train of thought.

"Look man... After CPS came, Simone was checked into that mental healthcare institution, Marshall was taken away, & we never got to see either of them again.", Gumball stated while poring tea into his favorite peppermint mug & then taking a deep swig after,

"Then we both moved here not long after that, started highschool, met Cake & Fionna & everyone, and everything fell back into a semi-normal everyday routine."

Lord M. nodded his head ,understanding everything now, then signed, "But then he came back, and he caused you to have that asthma attack. Didn't he?"

Gumball just nodded his head while staring at the mug in his hands.

"No one knows about what we did. No one has ever known the full-unfiltered story.", Gumball said as he looked Lord M. in the eyes, "You are the one & only."

"Don't I feel special now.", Lord M. signed sarcastically & snorted,

"Look, I won't tell anyone, but I'm not going to leave your side at school anymore. If he tries something on you again, then I will deal with him in my own way.", he signed & then popped his knuckles.

"Thanks man.", Gumball signed, "But, I don't care if you talk about this with Cake. I don't like making you keep secrets from your girlfriend. As long as this discussion between us doesn't spread to everyone at school.", Gumball signed seriously.

"You've got my word man.", Lord M. signed as he crossed his heart, "But, don't you think Marshall Lee deserves to know that it wasn't you who called CPS?"

"It might as well had been me.", Gumball signed & then changed the subject,

"Won't you be in trouble for skipping classes?"

Lord M. just waved it off & signed, "I'll just tell them that you had another asthma attack when you came home & that I stayed to make sure you were okay. Plus, it's not like I could call & talk to them. They know that even though it's just my ears that don't work that I don't like to talk.", Lord M. signed.

Which is true. He never did like speech therapy classes & quit them in order to make time for activities that he did enjoy like track & cross-country.

Lord M. & Gumball ended up talking to each other until Cake & Fionna showed up with their homework & missed assignments.

Gumball made chicken alfredo & cheesy bread for dinner & they all formed a sort of study session. They all stayed up until it started to get dark. Then they all left. Gumball hated the sound of silence.

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