Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

Marshall Lee's POV-

I carried the pizza over to Gumball's table. Lord M. was sitting right next to him too! This is all too crazy. Everyone is staring at me... I just want to tell everyone to fuck off. But if I did that, I would get kicked out of school again... GLOB DAMMIT!!

While Gumball's face was blank, his eyes showed everything. He has always had these beautiful blue eyes that could mesmerise you & show you just what exactly he was thinking or feeling.....

Those eyes looked surprised, terrified, & confused at the same time as I set the pizza box down, opened it, & released my surprise.


Gumball's POV-

My blank face wasn't blank anymore.

He strutted right up to our table, placed the pizza box down, & flipped open the lid with such ease & said, "Long time no see guys."

Lord M. got out of his seat, hugged him, & signed, "Hey man! I'm glad to see you, but I will kick your ass if you try anything.", while laughing & smiling at him. It's a good thing no one really understood ASL besides Cake & me.

Marshall just gave him his signature smirk & eye roll, but he knew that even though Lord M. is usually a pacifist that he would & could throw down when it comes down to it.

But even though all of this was going on, my main focus was on the pizza right in front of me. "SORRY", was spelled out in multicoloured M&Ms.

"Hey.", Marshall Lee said to get my attention. I turned to him & he signed in rusty ASL,

"Even though I don't like what you did to me & Simone, I've been told from others that it came from a good place & all that shit.", he signed while rolling his eyes, "The point to all of this is...even though I hate what you did to didn't deserve what I did to you.", Marshall signed while looking kinda pissed at all of the unwanted attention we were receiving.

So, he sat down & propped the lid of the pizza box up to where no one could see us except Lord M. since he was sitting beside us.

"The point is...", Marshall Lee whispered to me, "I want to forget everything that happened, but I can't. Neither of us can. But, both of us are going to be miserable if we don't find a way to work this out."

"I agree with you.", I say solemnly before Lord M. elbowed me.

"Isn't there something you think you should mention to Marshall Lee?", signed Lord M. with one eyebrow raised at me. I need to think fast again.

"I'm sorry....", I say to Marshall with my eyes downcasted. Weak. That's not good enough.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you. That was never my intention. I was just so scared all the time for you & her.", I say to him while shaking, but I wasn't crying. I'm tired of tears.

Marshall just looked at me with wide eyes then took a deep breath, sighed deeply, put a hand on my shoulder, & said, "Man up. How am I suppose to hate you or even tolerate you if you are always crying?", he told me jokingly.

"I was a crappy person. I am a crappy person.", I told him sincerely feeling that every word I'm saying to him feel true, "I'm sorry Marshall Lee. I've been a real dingus to you."

Marshall blinked his eyes in surprise, shook his head, said, "Whatever, let's not talk about this anymore.", & reclined the pizza box lid open all of the way.


Marshall Lee's POV-

After I flipped the lid of the pizza box open all of the way, I saw a blondie & what appeared to be her friend sitting next to her, with their arms crossed & waiting for an explanation.

"Sorry ladies.", I say while winking at them & smirking, "I was just catching up with Gummy-Boy over here. You see, we used to go to the same school a while back & were as thick as thieves.", I explain to them.

"Lord M. , Gummy-Brain, & I were best friends for 4 years until we all moved away....But, I see that even fate can't separate the 3 of us! It has to be destiny! Right Lord M.?", I ask while snatching a slice of pizza.

"Yeah!", Lord M. signed before taking a slice himself & explaining how they met and the trouble they caused together, but then telling them how they were split up do to "family circumstances".

'Even though the guy doesn't talk, he has such a way with words...", I think to myself.

That is how we all spent our lunch period. Telling old stories & being filled in on what has happened.

Lord M. having a girlfriend was one of the bigger surprises for me.

I mean, the dude has had relationships before, but there was always a lack of communication.

And Cathy, or Cake as she likes to be called, is one hot babe! Over protective...yes, but still nice.

That Fionna girl looks like an angel, but also like she would strike you down to Hell if you got on her bad side.

'I'm going to have fun messing with her!', I thought to myself mischievously.

And then there was Gumball......Who would have thought that a total dweep like him would be the dubbed "The Prince of Aaa Highschool" & be the leader of anyone.

Time changes people though.

To me though, he is still that 14 year old girly nerd that I fell in love with.

'He doesn't even wear pink & purple clothes like he used to do!', my brain registered.

'He looks so hetero..... Is he even gay still?', I wonder. I mean.....I'm bisexual, but that doesn't really matter anyway.

There is no way that I'll love him the same way again or that he will see me the way he used to.

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