Chapter 9:

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Chapter 9:

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Chapter 9:

Gumball's POV-

Lunch couldn't have gone by any faster. I talked only when spoken to & tried to keep my facial expressions positive. That was really hard to do considering everyone was looking & Marshall Lee was sitting right next to me.

I slowly slipped into my arrogant, but princely routine after lunch.

I made small talk & even gave some info to LSP.

"Who? Him? His name is Marshall Lee King. When Lord M. & I lived in another place & went to a different school, we were best friends. We haven't seen him in 3 years since our parents moved jobs.", I told him as we were walking to my favourite class. Home Economics!

Baking involves math, science, & sweets. My 3 favourite things!

Today, is Friday so we have free range of the kitchen. ''I'll make some red velvet cupcakes for everyone. '', I say to myself as I prepare to get out of my seat for after Mrs.Tree-trunks, our elderly teacher, finishes taking role.

"Now class, before we go to the kitchen, say hello to our new student.", she says as she gestures to Marshall Lee.

"Hello. My name is Marshall Lee King. I'm just taking this class for the free food & I'll be in the back waiting for the rest of you.", Marshall said as he walked back towards the kitchens.

I was the first one up because everyone else was still shocked by his blunt introduction.

Marshall saw me right away & said, "Of course you would be in this class.", as he snorted & laughed.

"Okay class! I know that I said we were going to make cupcakes today, but I didn't bring the right ingredients.... So instead, we are going to make cream puffs!", Mrs.Tree-trunks announced,

"Make any flavoured pudding you want for your cream-puff filling!"

I ended up doing all of the actual baking. Not that I didn't mind doing it because since I did it all myself instead of having a partner that would mess up or argue whether is was 2 teaspoons or 2 tablespoons, we were done in half the time.

The only problem came when we were filling the cream puffs with a strawberry mouse that I had prepared previously this week.

When Marshall should have been filling the cream-puffs, he was noisily sucking/slurping the strawberry mouse out of the ones that I had already filled.

I'm starting to get mad now. The kitchen is my safe place & where I could let loose without being judged for making sweets for people. It's for a grade & when I give out what I make to people I am called sweet & thoughtful.

So, I took the cream-puffs that Marshall hadn't ruined & told a passing female student,

"Please put these aside."

Then Marshall said to her, "What? Is he kidding?", then he threw a halfway filled cream-puff at me!

It bounced off my head, but the rest of the filling was all in my hair. "OH HONESTLY!", I exclaimed. Okay, now I'm mad.

Out of frustration, I grabbed one of the cream-puffs from the plate the female student was still holding & threw it at Marshall.

Cream-puff filling was now on his shirt, so he picked up a wooden spoon & flung a big scoop of strawberry mouse at me, but I dunk. That heaping spoonful splattered all over LSP who was too busy posting pics of his group's cream-puffs on his Pinterest to notice the heaping spoonful until it was too late.

After that, LSP threw cream-puffs at his group who he thought were the convicts of the crime, and you probably know what happened after that. Mass mayhem pursued as an out-of-control food fight started.

Poor little old Mrs.Tree-trunks couldn't do anything but dunk for cover as we all went at it.

Somewhere in the middle of flinging heaps of pudding & mouse at each other, Marshall Lee & I started laughing like complete maniacs at the whole situation & we were actually having fun.

Until the bell rang anyway....

After the bell rang, everyone else dashed off to change into their gym clothes since those were their only clean clothes, but Marshall Lee & I were made to stay behind & clean up since we were the ones that started the whole fight.

It was worth it though.


Marshall Lee's POV-

*REALLY loud internal & external groaning.*

"This sucks.", I complain as I wash the walls while Gumball wipes the counters.

"You started it.", Gumball says lamely.

"If you hadn't thrown that cream-puff at me or hadn't dunked when I threw that spoonful of junk at you, then things wouldn't have escalated the way they did!", I complain more intensely.

"But this all started when you threw the first puff.", Gumball says to me while smiling smugly.

"Whatever...", I said because I couldn't think of a good comeback.

It took the rest of the school day to clean the whole mess up.

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