Chapter 18:

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Chapter 18:

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Chapter 18:

Third Person's POV-

The play was going really well despite the fact that Marshall Lee's hand was lost somewhere deep in the several layers of bandages wrapped around it.

You didn't think that he could punch through a car window & not sustain several deep cuts that required a bunch stitches did you?

After the final curtain call, there was a massive commotion going on back stage from most of all of the Drama Club members trying to get their stuff back.

The process would have been made easier if LSP had cared not to put everyone's stuff in just one storage bin, but no.

Fionna swiftly reached inside, hid the bag of Gumball's hair that she collected from his past haircuts that Cake gave him, & threw it away before she calmly walked over to Flame P. & kissed him.

Cake didn't care what anyone else thought when she pulled her old baby blanket out of the mess, swung it around Lord M.'s neck, then pulled him down to her level before making out with him.

Marshall Lee on the other hand had just washed the green paint off of him & stood back to watch the chaos.

Gumball was struggling to get to the center of it all, but was having no use.

"Marshall Lee! ", shouted another Drama Club member, "Here's your rock shirt or somethin'."

Eyes wide, Marshall Lee said, "Hey that's....

"Mine! That's mine!", Gumball proclaimed with a blush on his face as he snatched the shirt & hugged it to his body.

"You....kept the shirt I gave you?", a bewildered Marshall Lee asked.

"Yeah....It means a lot to me.", Gumball said while slightly waving the clothing article in his hand.

"But you never WORE it.", a now confused Marshall Lee said.

"DUDE, I wear it all the time.", Gumball said as he slipped off his costume's top then put on the shirt, "As pajamas!", Gumball said as he gave a thumbs up.

"You put up with all of this Drama Club stuff, even though we were broken up, even though we had that HUGE fight, you STILL put up with all of THIS.", said a now again bewildered Marshall Lee, "Just so you could get the shirt that I gave you over THREE years ago back?"

Blushing, Gumball nodded seriously.

"You are unbelievable.",

Marshall Lee stated before grasping Gumball by said shirt & crushing his lips against the other boy's.

Everyone celebrated their own special after party after the play.

Cake & Lord M. went to dinner, Flame & Fi went to see a movie, and Marshall Lee & Gumball.....

Those two went to Marshall Lee's now totally fixed apartment.

Do I REALLY have to explain what they did there?


Marshall Lee's POV-

We were in my bed.

Don't ask me what we are about to do.

Looking at my beautiful BF, I say to him, "Bubba, thank you for helping me grow up."

Gumball just looks a me confused, so I try to clarify,

"I've been acting like a messed up kid for too long. You have help me overcome that, so thank you."

"Naw...", Gumball said shaking his head cutely with a blush.

Later on in the night though, after turning all of those "no's" into "yes's", I got out of bed & went into the living room.

Before I sat on the sofa, I grabbed my bass guitar.

All the events in my life have led me back to Bubba & that has reminded me of an old lullaby my dad used to sing to me.

So, I started strumming...


Third Person's POV- [Marshall Lee Starts Singing 'When Everything Stays']

Let's go in the garden. You'll find something waiting.

Right there where you left it lying upside down...

When you finally find it, you'll see how it's faded.

The underside is lighter when you turn it around...

Everything stays.....

Right where you left it.

Everything stays.....

But it still changes.

Ever so slightly...

Daily & nightly...

In little ways.

When everything stays.


Marshall Lee's POV-

Complete sincerity is what I felt after singing that old lullaby.

Until, Bubba interrupted it.

"Marshall?", yelled Gumball.

"Yeah?", I answered back.

"Why do you have duffel bags full of MY clothes?!"



Author's Note: LOL XD Poor Marshall Lee.

Anyway, I'm going to do a small series of One Shots based on ideas that I had for this fanfiction that never made the cut. Posted below are some of the ideas that I did have. Let me know which one you would like to read first!


- Debate team argues about if gay marriage should be legalised. Lemon Grab is Gumball's opponent.

- Chess club members practice strategies against each other. Gumball plays against Miss Butterscotch Butler, a foreign exchange student from Scotland.

-Marshall Lee & Gumball have an argument about their titles. King vs Prince

- Play rehearsal scenes.

- Marshall Lee & Gumball visit Simone at the Mental Healthcare Facility.

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