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—This is a short chapter and also there is a small time jump.

"Hey mom." I greeted while going to hug her.

Instead of taking my hug, she sidestepped me. "Don't you hey mom me." She turned her head up in the air and folded her arms over her chest.

"What's wrong now?" I rolled my eyes at her attitude.

"How dare you go sneak off and get married?" She pokes me in the chest with her fingernail.

I sighed because I knew I wasn't going to hear the last of it.

"Listen mom," I started while trying to put my words together. "It was an act of impulse and it just happened."

"Don't give me that shit. I know you have ninety days to use the marriage certificate but y'all had to get married the same day. And you didn't even tell us."

I told Quan that this was going to happen. I knew everyone was going to be upset when they found out that we were now legally married.

"I'm sorry." I rubbed my growing belly and looked down at the floor.

"Mhmm. Get on in the chair so I can do your hair." She rolled her eyes.

I climbed up and made myself comfortable. "How did you find out?"

"Karen saw you down at the courthouse." She told me.

"Karen as in Tyron's mom?" I looked back.


"Hmph, I didn't know you two were still friends. How is she doing besides telling my business?"

"She's well. You don't talk to Ty anymore?"

I rolled my eyes. "No. We just stopped speaking." I kept it short. I didn't want to go in detail about it because I would have to live my past.

I left everything that had to do with Jamar and the horrible things I had done behind. Tyron was apart of everything also and I no longer needed to associate with him.


"You outgrow people the same way you do clothes and shoes." I shrugged. " Don't make my parts all extra big either."

My head jerked forward. "I know what I'm doing."

I sat back and let her do her thing.


"We're moving." I announced. "Across the bridge. Quan found a house and plus he got a job offer at one of the charter schools in Camden."

"You're moving to Camden?"

"No, Sicklerville actually. It's a nice quiet area, not the hood part."


"What?" I looked at her through the mirror.

She shook her head and continued my twists. "I'm happy for you."

"Thanks mom." I smiled. "If it makes you feel any better then I'll tell you we will be having a real ceremony after the baby is born. We did the quick thing because we didn't want to have him out of wedlock."

"Y'all already got pregnant before marriage." She pointed out.

"You know what I mean."

"Whatever, sit still so I can dip your hair in this hot water."

After she had finished, I left and went to head on home. My hair was done and ready for labor which was happening soon.

I was almost home when my phone rang out into the Bluetooth of my car.

"Hello Mommy?"

"Hello Juju."

There was a lot of movement going on before she said anything else. "Where are you? I'm hungry and Daddy burned my grilled cheese."

I let a laugh out. "I'm pulling in the parking lot now so I'll make you one when I get in."


My music resumed playing since Juju had hung up. I parked the car and wiggled my way out before locking up.

I got on the elevator just as Sincere was stepping off. It had been a good while since I had seen him.

"Hey Sin." I smiled.

"Hey. How's it going?"

"Good." I rubbed my belly as the baby decided to move around.

"I'm on my way to get my niece so if it's alright with you Juju can come over."

I nodded. "That sounds good. I'll check with my husband to make sure he has no plans for her."

"Husband? You're married now?"

"Yeah." I flashed my ring.

It was an awkward silence and I couldn't help but to feel bad. I knew how he felt about me but I also knew it wasn't going to work. Plus my heart was always with Quan.

"Uh, wow." He broke the silence. "That's crazy because wouldn't that mean you cheated on your fiancé with me?"

"What? Sincere, no I didn't-"

He held his hand up. "It's okay. I...I have to go. Congratulations on your marriage and baby." He quickly walked off before I could utter a thank you.

Was it crazy that I actually felt bad that he was hurt?

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