I woke up to a wet feeling on my face. After struggling to open my eyes I was met with Chris all in my face.
He had a wet washcloth and was patting my forehead. "Oh, thank God. I was not trying to go to the hospital because I'd have to explain everything."
"Calm your tits man." I told him.
"You alright? Dizzy? Should we go to the hospital?" He questioned while looking me over. "I think we should go."
"Chris, I'm okay." I removed his hand from my arm and sat up.
"Have you been taking your medication?"
"Not really." I admitted. I wasn't even going to bother lying because he would've gone to check."
"It's been making me sick lately so I just slowed down on it."
"Okay and? You should've made an appointment with your doctor and let them know."
"I'm tired of going to doctors. They just give me pills that make me someone that I'm not."
"Have you told Quan about it?" He wondered.
I looked down at my hands. "No. I was scared that it would run him away. It made me want to run away from myself when I found out."
"Wow. I'm sorry but you're dumber than I thought. How have you been hiding that from him?"
"It's kind of easy since we don't live under the same roof." Sarcasm dripped on every word.
"Siani. You're secretly suffering from PTSD and anxiety, it's going to follow you for the rest of your life. How can you want to be with him and be able to keep this from him? When you guys get back on good terms then I suggest that you tell him." He said with his arms folded across his chest and a face that said he meant business.
"Everything. I mean it and don't leave anything out. From your triplets down to your brother's killer."
I sighed in defeat. "Fine."
"And you better tell him about the baby. In person. Face to face."
"Okay Dad." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm about to get out of here. I'll call and check on you later."
"You gotta get Juju?"
"No, my parents have her for the rest of the week."
"Alright, be safe and do what I said."
I walked him to the door and locked it after he was gone.
I stood in the bathroom looking at all of the positive pregnancy tests. 'This shit is really happening.' I thought as I threw them away.
I was trying to come up with a way to tell him about the baby and I couldn't. Like did I just say it or make a big production of it? He deserved something nice to announce his first born child.
I picked my phone up and dialed Quan. It rang and then went straight to voicemail so I knew that I had to text him. Hopefully I received a response.
We need to talk about a lot of things, can you come by one day? It needs to be done in person
Quan: What is there to talk about when you don't want to be with me?
Quan: I don't get youIt's really important Ja'Quan. If it wasn't then I wouldn't try reaching out
Stop making everything about youQuan: I'll think about it
Yet I'm the childish one? I'm trying to be an adult about things and you want to think?
Don't even bother me anymoreFed up, I exited the thread and got myself ready for an early bedtime. If he wasn't willing to see me so that we could talk then I wasn't going to worry about it.
"It seems that you're only seven weeks to be exact." Dr. Benjamin, my OBGYN told me.
"Really? That far? I thought you were going to say like four weeks not almost two months."
"Nope." She smiled while wiping the gel from my stomach.
"So I should be expecting the arrival in June?"
"June 24th is the expected due date." She confirmed.
"Oh! Thank you God! I won't be having one of those Gemini babies, they're spawns of Satan and I would just have to throw the whole baby away."
Dr. Benjamin laughed. "You're a trip."
I pulled my shirt down and sat up. "I have a lot of questions but I'm not sure if you have time to answer them. I know you have other appointments."
"This is your second pregnancy?"
"Kind of. I didn't find out if was pregnant with my daughter until I was about five months. I was still having a period."
"I see. Well you have my phone number and I can give you plenty of brochures."
"Oh yes, that will work." I told her.
"Right." She scribbled on her notepad. "I'm going to see you in a month so make sure you schedule the appointment before you leave. You can pick up your prenatal vitamins from your pharmacy since I've already requested them for you and your ultrasound photos will be waiting for you at the front."
"Got it."
"Any questions?"
"No I'll have a lot next time." I assured her.
She shook my hand and left out.
On my way out of the building, I was focused on putting the ultrasound photos in my purse that I didn't see Starr walking towards me and I ended up bumping into her.
"Oh shit! I'm so sorry." I looked up and saw her.
"Hey Siani. How are you?"
"I'm good. Sorry about bumping into you, I wasn't paying attention."
"It's fine. You seem to be in a rush." She said.
"Nah, just feeling tired." I admitted. "How have you been?"
"Eh, so so. You should stop by the house because Mom has been asking about you and Quanny just says you're busy."
"I will do that when I find the time. Tell her I'll call her will you?"
"I will but I'll catch you later because I'm already late to my appointment."
"Alright Starr." We hugged and then parted ways.
That was a close call. The last thing I needed was Starr finding out about the baby before Quan did.
It's short, I know. But it's about to get even better and a bit deep so I hope y'all are ready. 😁😈