"You feeling okay?" Quan asked when he stepped in the room from our bathroom.
He had just got out the shower and was donned in a towel, beads of water still decorating his upper body.
"Yeah." I sighed while continuing to work on a sketch in my drawing pad.
He looked back at me. "You sure?" I nodded my head yes. "What you working on?"
"What I think our baby will look like." I turned the book over to him.
"He doesn't have a face." He scrunched his face up.
I laughed before placing the book back in my lap. "Because I don't really know what he's going to look like. I'm scared to actually put my thoughts into this and he looks the exact opposite."
"You make beautiful babies; look at Juju."
If only he knew. "I was so scared for her the first few months of her life. My baby wasn't cute until she was about six months."
"Well look at who you had her with, God rest his soul but..."
"You're wrong." I hit him. "But she turned out looking completely like me now and nothing like him."
"Good. Now put that book and pencil up and gimme some of that body heat. Your husband is cold."
Doing what he said, I snuggled closer to him. He began running his fingers through my hair.
"I ran into Sin while coming off the elevator today."
I waited for him to ask what happened but he was silent.
"He told me that his niece was coming and if Juju could come over to play. I told him I'd have to check with my husband and he got sad. I felt a little bad about his reaction babe. He just-"
"Why the hell would you feel bad?"
"I know what rejection feels like. It hasn't even been a whole year since I cut him off and when we run into each other, I'm married and pregnant."
"So you want to be married and pregnant with him?"
I hesitated because his question caught me off guard.
"Wow." He dragged the word out. "Goodnight Siani."
Using my full name? Oh, he's big mad.
"That's not even the case and you know it." I said. "I chose you to be with for the rest of my life and I won't ruin that for anything."
"Won't be the first time that you ruined what we had." He snorted before moving away from me.
"That's the type of time we're on?" I nodded. "Bet."
"C'mon Juju, we have to get you to school on time today."
"My hair is ugly." She frowned. "I can't go."
"What's wrong with your hair today?" I sighed not wanting to do this with her today.
"I wore this ponytail yesterday."
"How do you want it then?"
"Out with a headband."
I refrained from rolling my eyes and fixed her hair how she wanted before we headed to the kitchen.
"Good morning Daddy!" Juju said in her loudest voice.
"Good morning." Quan kissed the top of her head. "You ready to go?" He came over to the stove where I stood making oatmeal and kissed my stomach.