It had been about a month or so since my talk with Chris. We had moved into our new home a week ago and had finally finished unpacking things and settling in. Our house now looked like a home.
The weather was starting to break a little bit and it was now nearing my birthday. I wasn't expecting to do much but my mom had a baby shower planned since there were two months left until the arrival of our son.
"Marcus and I are upset with you." Jas said as she sat beside me on the couch, snacking on grapes.
"We had to change our wedding date because we got pregnant."
"How is it my fault that you got pregnant too? I didn't tell y'all to fuck with no protection." I snapped. "You could've been a pregnant bride."
"You could've been a pregnant bride." She mimicked. "No, I couldn't have. I wasn't getting my dress resized because that's more money."
I shook my head and popped a grape in my mouth. "You sound selfish."
"Well excuse me miss I got married in sweatpants and a T-shirt." She playfully rolled her eyes.
"Sure did because why go all out and be extra for people I don't fucking like? Plus I don't have friends so I can't do a wedding party."
"That's really sad. You've never had friends and I used to feel bad for you." Jas shook her head.
"I don't need them now."
"You do. Me and Jay aren't always around and I know you have Chris but you need more than just him."
"I have my husband." I flashed my ring in her face.
"That doesn't count."
"Whatever Jas." I waved her off.
Although she was right, this was something that I didn't want to talk about. Every single time I made a friend they weren't real or they up and left only to come back years later. It was annoying.
"So how does it feel?" Jas turned toward me, her elbow on the back of the couch and her palm on the side of her face.
"Harder than being in a relationship." I shrugged. "At least to me. It's when you start to realize that everything isn't all peaches and cream and you should prepare yourself for both the best and worst. I mean,our honeymoon phase of marriage may have been skipped over but I get to wake up to the love of my life everyday- that's a plus."
"That response sounds like you're not happy or something."
I didn't say anything because at that moment Quan and Juju came through the door.
"Aunt Jas!" Juju ran over and hugged her before she came and did the same to me.
"Hey babe." Quan kisses my lips quickly. "Wassup Jas." He nodded at her.
"I'm going to get ready to go back to my moms." Jas moved to get her purse and keys.
"You're going to Gigi house? Can I go?" Juju asked. "Mommy, please?"
I mentally rolled my eyes. "Call her and make sure-"
"Mommy, Gigi always wants me around. I give her life." She told me in a duh tone of voice.
"You can go. Me or your dad will get you on Sunday."
"Next Sunday?"
"You're only going for the weekend." I let her know.
"But why not the weekend and the whole week?" She pouted.
"Hey! Do you want to not go at all?" Quan cut in.
"No." She looked down at the ground trying to hide the tears that were forming.
"Well get it together before you end up staying home with me and your mom. Fix your face too because me getting you in line shouldn't be a reason for you to cry."
"I'll see you on Sunday, okay?" I hugged her and kissed her cheeks. "I love you and stop crying." I wiped her face.
"I love you too."
"You want to come keep me company in the nursery while I put the crib together?" Quan poked his head into our bedroom.
"Sure." I agreed. He came in to help me up. "I could've done that myself."
"Can you stop being so independent and let me lead and be the man? That's one of our problems- you don't let me care and don't want me to provide."
"I'm sorry." I apologized.
"It's fine." He kissed my lips. "And I'm apologizing for how I've been treating you these past few weeks."
I said nothing as his hands held my face and he ran his thumbs across my cheeks. We stared at one another before he kissed me again much deeper this time.
A soft moan left my mouth as he pulled away. "You better stop making those noises before I put another one in you."
"Maybe in another five years."
"Siani we are not having all of our kids five years apart."
"Are you gonna put this crib together or not?" I said as I sat my fat ass in the rocking chair.
"I need to put you and that attitude together." He mumbled.
"Say that again." I challenged. "Thought so." I smirked when he remained quiet.
"I can't wait for him to get here." Quan said as he finished up.
"Me either." I agreed. "I already know you're going to hog him."
"So? I've been waiting on this moment all my life."
"Hmm." I hummed while rubbing my belly. The baby had started moving all crazy like. "I'm hungry."
"What's new?"
"Feed me before you don't live to see the birth."
"What you got a taste for?" He asked.
"Beef bacon and pancakes."
He turned and left the room without a word. I followed him into the kitchen and of course he got there before me.
I hooked my phone up to the speaker and put my music on shuffle.
"Aye, this my shit!" Quan got hype as Chris Brown 'To My Bed' started and he sang along.
I wished that this wasn't the first song to play because Quan would play it so much that it was now annoying to hear. After a whole mini concert of five songs, we were sitting at the table together eating pancakes and bacon.
"I was thinking after this we go and take a bath together, I give you a massage and I'll even polish your toes." He said around bites of food.
"What did you do?" I looked at him for a reaction and didn't get one. He never up and decided to do things like this unless he had done something or was trying to get on my good side.
"Why do you ask that? I can't do nice things for my wife?"
I nodded my head. "Of course you can. It's just that I usually have to ask for these things."
"I'm trying to do better since I've kind of been neglecting you, can I do that?"
"Yeah you can." I decided to drop the thoughts in the back of my head. I wasn't sure why I felt like he did something or that something was wrong but I did and I couldn't shake the feeling that was upon me.