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Third Person's POV


"Good morning, baby" Wonho said to Kimberly, as he went behind her and hugged her from behind.

"Wonho!" She hissed, as his arms felt heavy around her. He look down at her that was feeding Chris.

"You're so mean. So cold" He stated, as he let go of her.

"You wouldn't say that, if you're the one who has to carry the twins for five months and have to feed them and change their diapers every single day"

"Can't I get a good morning kiss?" He asked, as he walked closer to her and leans in towards her. She shake her head at him, pointing towards Chris. She waited until Chris finished feeding, before she pull her strap back up, covering her chest. She slowly place Chris back in the crib and Wonho instantly wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer.

"Kiss me" He ordered.

"I don't want too" She said, glaring at him.

"What did you say?" He squeezed her waist tighter, she groans and pushed against his chest.

"Oh, god!" She groans, as he tightened his hold and she felt suffocated.

"Fine! Let me go!" She smack his shoulder, he smirked as he let her go.

"God. So demanding" She hissed, before she leans in, his eyes fluttered close and she gave him a peck. His eyes snapped open and he look at her questioningly.

"That's it?" He asked, feeling disappointed. Her jaw drop at his question.

"You're asking for too much" She said.

"Oh, please" He pulled her in once again and smash his lips on hers. She was taken aback for a moment, before she slowly kissed him back.

"Let's go shower" He said, as they pulled away.

"Excuse me? What?" She asked.

"Let's go" He said, lifting her up. He head towards their room.

"No! Wonho! I already bathed!" She protested as they reach their bathroom.

"Wait! No! Wonho! Wonho!!!" She yelled, as he locked the door behind him and smirked at her evilly. Oh, god! She's doomed!


Alex's eyes fluttered open and she rubbed her eyes, to rub the sleep off. As she went to get up, she couldn't move and she froze, before she slowly look up. Who the hell was she hugging? Changkyun? Oh, yeah. She relaxed a little, after remembering what happened yesterday. She slowly relaxed back into him and she smile up at him. She was on her side, hugging his waist, while his arm was around her, being her pillow. Their legs were tangled in each other's, the both of them felt warm in each other's arms. She didn't know how long she was staring at his beautiful sleeping face, but she soon felt more like a creep. But she couldn't help it, he's such a sweetheart yesterday. He even accompanied her to sleep.

"This is why I love you" She mumbled, as she slowly push his arm off her slowly and got up. She pull back the blankets over him and she head towards the bathroom and start her morning routine. Changkyun's eyes slowly open and he glanced around. What did she say? Who does she love? Changkyun wondered, but he felt so tired and he went back to sleep.

"Where is Changkyun?" Jooheon asked, as he arrived at the dining room for breakfast.

"I can't find him in his room. He never really gets up late" Jooheon said.

Enslaved By A... Monster? (Monsta X fanfic) Book #1 Monster SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now