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Third Person's POV


She washed her face and look at her reflection. She started sobbing, crying, looking at herself. She wipe her face dry and she damp the tissue and dab the bite marks on her body. She winced, feeling sore and in pain. Does he do this to all the other girls? She place the lid of the toilet bowl down and sit. She wipe down her arms and legs. He told her to cover the marks with makeup, or something. She doesn't even have makeup. She look at her flushed and tired face. How long does she have to keep on doing this? Her inner thighs were still aching. I wanna die, she thought. Dying seems to be a better option now, than to be forced all over and over again. F**king horny vampire! She heard a knock on the door.

"Miss. We're about to land. I have to ask you to be seated and buckle up"

"Okay" She replied, as she got up and threw away the tissue into the bin. She fixed her clothes and look at her reflection. She smooth out her hair and then she put on the jacket that the master gave her. She walk out and went to take a seat. She sit behind the master, just like that time. She felt her body feeling so tired and sore, she look at his exposed arms, his skin looks like it's overly bleached, with no visible scars. How can someone so pretty, turns out to have a very, very ugly attitude? She felt like she wanted to cry once again, thinking about what happened. Does he have no heart? She wondered to herself, as her tears build up, but she blinked them away.


"The master is calling for you" One of the servants informed her. She nodded and give a small smile as a reply. Kimberly at first thought that they were going back home, but it turns out, they were going to another place. Kimberly quickly got up and look at her reflection. One of the regulations is, she must always look her best whenever she's around the master. She was wearing a black, three quarter sleeve dress, with floral printings on the front. She was wearing black flats and a flower headband. She walk out of the room and followed the servant.

"Where is the master?" She asked the servant.

"He is with the other elite members in the main living room" The servant stated, which she nod to and as they reached, they parted ways. She did a little bow, before walking towards her master. Wonho's eyes fell on her and he looks satisfied with how she looked.

"Come and sit" She saw a small stool by his chair. She took her seat and she felt eyes on her. Then they all started talking in Korean, which she couldn't understand anything. But their eyes were darting back to her every time they talked. She wish she had Emily with her. She doesn't know why she feels safe around Emily.

"Quite young. Tastes delicious too" Wonho said in English, making her understand and also teasing her. She flinched when he stroke her cheek with the back of his fingers.

"She looks ragged when she first came in. Now, I have groomed her" Wonho said in Korean.

"A foreigner this time. You got lucky" Hyungwon stated, smiling at him.

"I paid fifty-thousand. But she really doesn't know her place here. I paid so much for her, to get so little satisfaction"

"I had a slave like that recently. I couldn't stand her attitude after she started to become clingy. I had to kill her, put her at rest" Minhyuk stated, with an annoyed face.

"I would like to try a foreigner too" Changkyun stated.

"One that has a tanned skin tone like hers?" Wonho asked, which he nod to.

Enslaved By A... Monster? (Monsta X fanfic) Book #1 Monster SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now