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Third Person's POV


"Kimberly? I hate it" He stated.

"Uh..." What the hell was she supposed to say? She went silent and she look away. She was looking out to the swimming pool, seeing people playing and splashing in the water. That looks fun, she thought to herself.

"Massage my shoulders" He ordered her, sitting upright, then he took off his shirt. She went to stand behind him, then she slowly put her hand on his shoulders. Then, she slowly massage his shoulders, feeling scared. He felt annoyed that he couldn't even feel any relief.

"Stronger" He ordered. She quickly use more strength, pressing on his shoulders. He finally felt slight relieved. As she was massaging him, she look over his shoulder, to see that he was texting someone. But it was all in Korean language, so she couldn't understand anything. He slip his phone back in his pocket and lean back on the chair. She was facing his brown hair and she noticed how soft it looks. It smells nice too, she thought to herself, leaning in a little closer. After a while, he was getting hungrier and he wanted blood, but since he was in public, he can't openly drink.

"Come on" He suddenly got up and grabbed her arm, he sling his shirt on his shoulders. She didn't have time to react when he pulled her closer towards him. They entered the elevator and he let go of her. She rub her arms awkwardly, he turn and lean on the wall, crossing his arms. She look away, feeling his eyes on her. Crap! She thought. She glance at him through the side of her eyes and she noticed his eyes were a different colour. It wasn't brown, it was like... it was pale blue. Like a dead person's eyes. She took another glance. Yeah, it's blue. She felt tense, feeling that they were the only ones in the elevator. Their hotel room were at the top floor, a honeymoon suite they said.

"Come here" He said. Crap! She counted the floors going up. 6...7...8...9.

"Are you deaf?!" He asked. She jump and instantly went to his side. The elevator stopped and a crowd of people entered. Oh, god! She was pushed closer towards him. Are you kidding me? She felt his arm around her shoulders, pulling her smack against his chest. Her breathing hitched, as she push her hand against his chest. One by one, the people step off to their floors, but still, he didn't let her go. The man that was last with them, look at them awkwardly. As he step off, Wonho then let her go. She instantly start to breathe. She wasn't sure how she hold her breath so long. They reach the top floor and she followed him out. He lean on the wall, beside the door and wait for her to take out the key card. As she swipe the card across the sensor, she was pushed in. She landed with an 'oof'. She felt her side hit the end of the table and she massage the spot softly.

"Ow!" She moaned, rubbing the spot. She watch as he put aside his shirt and then she heard him unzipping his pants. She tense up and her eyes widened. Don't tell me... oh, god! She look away quickly. She tried to think up of something to do. She glance around and she look at her toothbrush. As he turn to grab her, she quickly reach out and grab her toothbrush. She walk past him, then she entered the bathroom. She felt a wash of relief, looking as if her plan worked. He felt annoyed at that, then he entered the bathroom as well.

"What are you doing?" He asked, as her eyes landed on his. Just his eyes, nothing else.

"Brushing my teeth" She stated, but she wasn't brushing her teeth yet. She was just holding on to it. After that, she actually started brushing her teeth, with no toothpaste. He looks at her weirdly, she then look away, feeling scared. He then turn around and entered the shower, she huff in relief and place the toothbrush aside. She then went back to the room, she sit on the bed and she grab the lotion that Shannon gave her. She start massaging her legs, feeling pain at her thighs. Is it normal for the thighs to hurt after you do the dirty? She still felt sore, of course. It was only just her second time. She felt upset at the thought of her being like this, until he will be bored of her and finally just kill her.

Enslaved By A... Monster? (Monsta X fanfic) Book #1 Monster SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now