Saphael's date

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Raphael's POV

Simon had just got in from his last lesson of the day and he looked like he was dead inside. He threw his bag at the wall and flopped onto the couch. I floated over silently and played with his hair. Forcing a smile, he sat up and inclined his neck for a kiss. I then sat next to him and grinned.

"How would you like to go out tonight? Me and you? I know a little Mexican restaurant not far from here, very cosy and romantic. Plus they make the best molotes, after mine of course."

"You know what? That'd be really nice, get some time to ourselves for once."

  So we got dressed up, Simon in a sweater and jeans and I in a suit. We got to the restaurant called 'Ollas y sartenes' Simon giggled at the little joke I made and I grinned. We got a table for two in the corner near the kitchen so we could watch the chefs at work. It was very quiet and the lights were low, setting the mood. Everything was so calm, peaceful, romantic. I took Simon's hand as we got talking. It was nice to get away with him for once. We were both very private people who liked to keep our relationship to ourselves. PDA was a big no-no.

Simon got into a rant about the latest Starwars movie so I kinda zoned out, just watching his facial expressions change from excitement to disgust, to annoyance to laughter. I loved how expressive he was. I had trained my emotions since my sister died and my father started abusing my mother. My anger got us both in more trouble.

I snapped back into focus when a tall, slim, blonde man appeared Simon and tapped his shoulder. I scowled and he looked offended by it, tapped Simon again and Simon turned around with a look that evidently said 'Leave me the hell alone, I'm on a date.'

"Hey Simon, may I please speak to you. I need you to do me a favour."

"Who are you?" We asked in unison.

"I went to primary school with you. We went to different high schools and colleges and I just transferred here a couple of weeks ago. I'm Sebastian Verlac, I helped you when you broke your nose in basketball."

"The name rings a bell, well I don't see why you need me specifically."

"You know Isabelle Lightwood, right?"


"I need you to tell her something for me, it's private so can you come with me for a second?" I shot Simon a concerned and warning look and he got up. I watched as they walked off and carried on with my churros.

  After about ten minutes I paid the bill and took Simon's churros out into the parking lot. There I saw Simon up against the wall with Sebastian centimetres away from his face. He looked extremely angry and all I could do for a minute was stare. What had Simon done? I immediately fixed my posture, standing tall. My emotions disappeared and I walked over, hips swinging with confidence and every step brought me closer to confrontation. I grabbed the taller boy by the hair and kneed him in the stomach. As he instinctively bent over to grab his stomach I punched him in the face. I then took my boyfriend's hand and stood over Sebastian.

"Don't ever interrupt my date to start a confrontation. Yo soy el diablo." I hissed, walking off to my car. "What did he want from you?"

"He wanted me to tell Izzy that he wanted her to meet him and run away back to England with him. When I refused that's when things took a turn." Simon's voice quivered and I took his hand.

"We will sort this out, we must tell the others." I kissed his hand and drove as fast as I could back to the school campus. 

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