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Magnus' POV

Yes! Halloween, my favourite holiday after Christmas, of course. Oh and Valentine's Day, I love that too. Halloween gave me the excuse to dress up and not get judged. Also, I had a partner this year so that could only mean one thing. CUTE CRINGEY COUPLE COSTUMES! I already had it planned, I could go as Curious George and Alec could go as the man in the yellow hat. It gave me an excuse to be sat on his waist the whole time. I was excited and Alec just wanted to get it over with.  He was so grumpy, the only time he was ever happy was when we were alone. I guess that was kind of cute but I didn't like the way he was so blunt with the others, especially Clary. 

 We had gotten our outfits and the school was decorated for the dance. I didn't realise Universities did it too. Anyway, we dressed quickly and I grinned at Alexander. He sighed and lifted me up onto his hip like a child. I giggled and kissed the nape of his neck. He shuddered and I nuzzled into his shoulder, my fake ears tickling his chin. He was wearing a yellow suit with a yellow top hat and I was wearing brown pants and shirt with a tail and ears. 

  Alexander carried me from the dorm room to the hall where we met up with Simon and Raphael. Simon was dressed in a dirty blonde wig, some rags and had a green stick in his hand. Raphael was wearing goblin ears, had his face painted green and also wore rags with a green stick. "I'm Luke Skywalker and Raphael is Yoda!" He exclaimed like I knew who those people were. I just nodded my head and Raphael grumbled. 

Jace's POV

Clary and I had gone to the dance as Ariel and Eric. I didn't exactly have the hair for Eric so I had to dye it black for the night. Clary wore green jeans and a purple strapless top. Her hair was curled perfectly as it flowed down her back. She looked stunning. We were sat at the drinks bar when I spotted a tall lad in a yellow suit, at first I assumed I didn't know him. That was until he made a beeline for me. Then I realised it was Alec with Magnus sat on his hip. 

  I didn't get the costume at first until Clary screamed "Curious George!" I remembered the show from my childhood. I laughed at Magnus' costume, he looked so adorable in the little monkey suit. He got down from his seat and smiled at me. He grabbed a glass of punch and handed one to Alec. Then Simona and Raphael joined us, dressed like hobos. Then I realised that Izzy wasn't here. As the hall started to fill up, Alec looked around for his sister. The lights dimmed and the music started to play as flashing lights hit the walls. Just as everyone started to settle in the doors flew open revealing a figure in smoke.


Izzy's POV

I kicked the doors open and stood there so everyone could admire me. Yes, I like to be dramatic, deal with it. I walked in revealing my sexy zombie nurse outfit. I looked great, plus I had been asked to run the night so I had to make an entrance, right? I sauntered in and made my way to the stage. I saw my brother and friends at the back and waved.

"Good evening everyone! Tonight is going to be a lot of fun so I hope you brought comfortable shoes, coz we are dancing all night long baby!" Everyone cheered and I got down from the stage. I headed over to my group and everyone hugged me. 

  We got chatting and soon we were all a little drunk. We decided to head outside to get some fresh air. Once out of the muggy hall, we sat in the courtyard and giggled, telling old stories about each other. As we were about to head back inside, a tall boy dressed as Dracula headed our way. He had light blonde hair and a very good posture. As soon as he opened his mouth I realised he wasn't raised here. 

"Hi, you did great introducing the night tonight! I'm Sebastian Verlac, I'm assuming you're the one they call Isabelle Lightwood."

"The one and only," I grinned.

"Well, if you ever need anything, I'm your man. I'll see you in Chemistry, Isabelle."

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