Chapter 6

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As Eddie was waking up, he had that kind of sense that something was very near him.
He could see a shadow through his eyelids, and his face flinched as he was waking up, in  the cold November rain.

It was around 7am, and the street he slept on was waking up, gradually getting louder.

When Eddie finally opened his eyes, he saw a man, he seemed tall, tapping him on the shoulders trying to wake him up.
"It's raining and cold over here, speaking of here, what are you doing here? Did you stay here?"

Eddie was still half-asleep, and wondering why a stranger wanted to ask so many questions.
The man sat beside him and wrapped his coat around his shoulders as Eddie was starting to properly wake up now.

"Well, uh, I assumed you weren't homeless as your car is here, and you have a bag of which I'm guessing is full of clothes..?"

As Eddie was rubbing his eyes, he began to speak.

"Oh, uh yeah. No, I'm not homeless" Eddie let out a fake laugh as he carried on.
"I just moved from Chicago, got out of my car a few hours ago and uh, fell asleep over here" Eddie said, in a questiony kind of tone.

"Anyway what are you doing over here? It's practically a ghost town, nobody ever comes down here" the guy said.

"So uh, if nobody ever comes down here, then what are you doing here..?" Eddie gestured for his name after.

"I'm Chris, and yeah haha, I came back from rehearsals and this is a shortcut I tend to take whilst heading back home. Then, I saw you sleeping here, so now uhm, I'm here, offering you to come stay with me"

Eddie looked up at him, and the rain pouring down made Chris's hair effortlessly swing down his face.

"Oh but that's too much to ask for, it really is..." Eddie's words drifted off again. He looked away and his cheeks went red.
Chris moved closer towards Eddie, and put his arm around his shoulder.

"Besides, you look like a man who's been through a lot" Chris said In a playful tone.
"Uhhh, thank you?" Eddie replied, laughing and looking puzzled at the same time.

"Listen, stay with me for as long as you need to, it's just you seem like a generally nice guy and besides, you're new here, so I can be your first friend huh?" Chris said with a grin, and winked.

Just before Eddie could say anything else, Chris already took him by the hand and drove him back to his place, In the cold, Seattle rain.

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