Chapter # 23

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Hayden's POV: 
I just yelled at Annie to leave me alone and I honestly felt terrible. I know she did me wrong but she didn't deserve to get yelled at... I didn't even let her explain what happened, what if he hugged her and she couldn't help it? I don't even know why I'm getting to upset about a hug, she's not even my girlfriend. After Annie left my room I just cried, and not much makes me cry. I sat in my dark room crying for hours. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to be alone for the night, but then I heard a knock on my door. I know I had just yelled at Annie but I really wanted it to be her at the door. I wanted to hear what her side of the story was.
H- come in
The door started to slowly open and I looked up to see who it was. I was slowly disappointed to see that it was my dad at the door. (HD- Hayden's dad & H- Hayden)
HD- hey son
H- what do you want dad
HD- what happened with Annie?
H- how do you know something happened?
HD- um no reason...
H- dad, either tell me or get out.
HD- okay fine but if I tell you this you CAN NOT tell Annie.
H- okay what?
HD- after whatever happened with you and her she sat on our porch for hours, she seems really upset.
H- omggggg is she still there?
I started to get out of my bed.
HD- no I just told her I would talk to you and she left. She looked like she was crying.
H- god damnit...!!! I made her cry.
HD- hayden what did you do?
H- nothing.
HD- I can see your face, I can tell that something happened by the tears in your eyes.
H- fine. I was gonna ask her out today and I walked in on her hugging another boy, I got hurt so when she came over to explain I yelled at her and that's all that happened.
HD- why didn't you listen to what she had to say?
H- because I was hurt and I didn't know what to say.
HD- okay just talk to her tomorrow and it will work out.
H- thanks dad. I'll let you know what happens.
HD- okay son. I'll see you tomorrow.
My dad left and closed my door. I just thought about what I was going to say to Annie tomorrow and then I went to sleep. I was so nervous to talk to Annie tomorrow. What If she hates me forever?
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