Chapter # 47

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  Annie's POV:

Hayden left my room saying he loved me. Did he really? Should I have let him explain himself? I don't know who I should believe anymore. I looked back at the picture that Mackenzie sent me and it had a little message with it...

(Mackenzie's text to Annie)
M- hey girl I know we aren't close but I was going to Katie's house to ask her about the project (she's my new neighbor) and I saw hayden in there. I know they are partners for the project but it looked like something was happening between them so I took this picture to show you. I don't know the full story so you might want to talk to Hayden and Katie. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything, I'm just looking out for you.
After reading Mackenzie's text I regretted instantly yelling at Hayden to leave. What if it was Katie's fault. Hayden told me he loved me....
Hayden's POV:
I was so pissed off. I didn't hit on Katie at all. She pushed herself on me. I drove all the way to Katie and Mackenzie's neighborhood. I went Mackenzie's house first. I knocked hardly on the door and Johnny opened the door.
Jo- dude what are you doing here?
H- I'm here to ask Mackenzie's what her fucking problem is.
M- hayden I'm looking out for Annie. She's a nice girl and I'm not gonna let you hurt her like you did me and Jayden. You need to learn how to treat girls.
H- you don't even know the fucking story.
Jo- um what's happening ?
H- Johnny just shut the hell up
M- hey don't talk to him like that
H- why can't I? You already ruined my relationship with my dream girl.
M- Hayden!! You ruined your own relationship when you kissed Annie's best friend.
I looked down and I started to cry. No one believed me.
Jo- looks like the schools bad boy isn't as bad as he thought he was. You're crying like a little girl.
I looked back up at Mackenzie and Johnny
H- I was there to work on my project and she forced herself on me. She kissed me. I pushed her off of me. That's why I left right after your picture was taken.
M- shit..... H- so you believe me now?
M- yes.. you love her. I've never seen you cry over a girl before.
H- ........
M- the last time I've seen you cry is when your mom left you....  

When Mackenzie said that I broke down. I fell onto the ground and I cried, cried, and cried some more. 

H- I've messed up so many times... Annie's never going to forgive me again. I don't deserve her. I love Annie.
Mackenzie hugged me. I could tell that she felt terrible for sending the picture to Annie. I know she was my ex but she was a great friend to me and Annie.
Katie's POV:
I was going to Mackenzie's house to see if she wanted to go get dinner with me. I walked up to the door and I saw her through the window... hugging hayden. I took a quick picture and I sent it to Annie
(Katie's text to Annie)
K- can you believe him. He's such a player. He came over and kissed me while we were working on our project and now he's with Mackenzie.
A- wait so it's true... hayden kissed you?
K- yeah we were studying and then all the sudden he was like "let's not do school stuff" and he leaned in and kissed me.
A- that's all I needed to hear.
K- what? He's not dating anyone is he?
A- nope. He's single as can be. ------------
Poor Hayden.... what are your thoughts?? Comment 🌴 for more!!!

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