Chapter # 39

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  Hayden's POV: 

She looked up at me after I sat down and I could tell that she had mixed emotions. She had tears in her eyes but she also looked excited to see me. I couldn't believe that I made her feel like this. I hate myself for treating her so poorly. She's an amazing girl and I broke her. I kept thinking to myself how I was going to fix this.

Annie's POV: 

I had tears in my eyes because I was upset. I was really bad at hiding my emotions, hayden liked that about. But I was also excited that hayden had came to see me so I said something back to him.
H- I didn't known you could sing
A- I could say the same thing to you
We both chuckled. His laugh was so cute. It felt so right to be sitting in our spot laughing together, but I knew that we needed to talk about everything that had happened.
H- Annie I'm sorry for kissing you back there... it wasn't my place.
A- it's okay....I
H- and I'm so sorry for all the other stuff I did.
A- it's okay.
H- I know I'm a jerk, and I completely understand if you never want to talk to me again.
A- hayden!! H- what?
A- I said it's okay
H- wait really?
A- yeah... everyone makes mistakes
H- I was so nervous that you would hate me....
A- as much as I try..... I can't hate you.
H- what? Why?
A- because I like you.
H- wait you like me?
A- I thought it was obvious that I did.
H- Annie, every time I asked you out you rejected me.
A- I'm sorry...
I started to cry. I couldn't hold my emotions back anymore.
H- I'm sorry I didn't mean to make yo cry.
A- I rejected you because I was nervous that I would ruin our relationship
After I said that hayden leaned in and kissed me. Except this time I didn't pull away. I kissed back and it was so perfect. I didn't know why he was kissing me right now but I didn't really care. It felt so right. After a couple seconds of kissing Hayden pulled away and started to talk to me.
H- does it seem like you are messing anything up now?
A- I don't know..
H- Annie you can't mess up our relationship
A- how?
H- because I'm head over heels in love with you.
How will Annie respond? Also this story will have over 45 chapters because I have something planned. Comment 🤘🏻 for more!  

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