Chapter # 46

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  Hayden's POV:

I was messing with Annie today because I love seeing her reactions. She's so adorable when she gets jealous. I didn't actually like Katie, I just needed to work on our project. I went to Katie's house to work on the project and she was super excited about me being her partner. We started to work on our project for a little while
K- it's kind of hot in my house, so I'm just gonna take my over shirt off
Katie took off her over shirt and was just sitting there in a low cut tank top.
H- um Katie can you go and put on a t shirt? I feel uncomfortable
When I said that Katie leaned in towards me and tired to kiss me
K- do you still feel uncomfortable?
H- yes. Yes I do.
K- what? Why?!?
H- because I like Annie...
K- of course you like Annie. Everyone always likes Annie.
H- um I should go now. Bye.
K- no please don't leave....
I didn't care what she said I had to get out of her house. As I walked out the door I ran into Mackenzie who was standing and watching in the window
M- Hayden, Annie's a great girl why would you treat her like that?
H- what are you talking about?
M- Katie's my new neighbor so I walked over here to ask her something about the project and I see you with her through the window kissing her while she had no shirt on. Really?
H- you can't tell Annie!! It's not what it looks like!!
M- yeah sure it's not. You treat girls so badly!!
H- whatever Mackenzie.
I got in my car and I drove straight over to Annie's house. I needed to talk to her. I knocked on her front door and Annie's little sister, hayley, opened the door.
H$- hey hayden. Annie's upstairs
H- is she alright?
H$- she was kind of upset when she came home. She wouldn't even talk to me
H- shit... can I go talk to her?
H$- sure
I walked into there house and I walked to Annie's room. I knocked on the door and she opened it.
A- what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?
H- I don't like Katie.
A- you don't?
H- no I was just messing with you
A- oh okay.
H- so you're not mad?
A- no I thought you were just hitting in my best friend and it hurt my feelings
I hugged Annie when she said that. She was so cute when was paranoid. 

H- Annie you are so cute
**ding** I checked my phone and it wasn't my phone.
H- it must be your phone because it's not mine.
Annie looked at her phone and she started to cry.
A- get out of my house now?
H- what why?
A- dont was why. You know why.
She showed me her phone and it was the picture that Mackenzie took. It really did look like I was kissing Katie but I swear I didn't.
H- Annie it's not what it looks like
A- just get out.
I didn't want her to get mad so I got up and I started to walk out the door
H- Annie I just want you to know that I love you. I always have and I always will.
A- Hayden I can't right now. Please leave

Will Annie believe hayden? What will Annie do to Katie? Comment 🐱 for more!!  

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