Chapter # 33

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   Annie's POV:
Today is the day. Prom night. No one asked me so I'm just going alone... well that's a lie, Carson asked me to go but I couldn't. Hayley thinks that I didn't say yes to Carson because of hayden but thats not it... I don't think. Okay it is. All I do is think about hayden, and I know you might think I'm dumb because he asked me to go to prom and I said no, but I can't allow myself to give him another chance. He has hurt me way to many times. I'm not gonna let hayden play with my heart, no matter how hot he is. Hayley came into my room while I was getting ready for the dance. I could tell that hayley looked up to me. She always dressed like me and acted like me. That kind of think gets on some people's nerves but I honestly love that she looks up to me. It shows that I'm a good sister. I started to do my hair. I was curling my hair and pulling a few pieces back.
H$- OMG Annie your hair is so pretty!! I wish my hair was as pretty as yours
Hayley has always been super insecure, I could tell. It's got to be hard with her being so young and our parents never being home. That's why I always tried to be a good sister to her.
A- hayley your hair is absolutely beautiful! You have natural gorgeous curls!
H$- thanks Annie
I started to do some makeup. I put on more makeup than I normally did since prom is such a big event.  and lastly the dress..... i loved my dress so much. It was a two piece dress with crystals. It was a blue color. I put the dress on and I had never felt so pretty 
H$- annieeeee!!!! You look so good!
A- thank you hayley
H$- I can't wait until my prom!!
A- I can't wait until hours either!
H$- why?
A- because I'm gonna do your hair and makeup!!
H$- you would do that for me?
A- of course I would!! You are my sister after all!
When I said that hayley jumped off the bed and gave me a bear hug
H$- I have the best sister in the world.
Me and hayley walked out of my room and we walked down the stairs. Caleb watched us as we walked down.
C- Annie you look beautiful
A- thanks caleb
  Caleb walked over and gave me a big hug. When he hugged me I heard him make a sniffling noise. He was crying. 

A- why are you crying
C- because my baby sister isn't a baby anymore
A- awe calebbbb
C- I can't believe how fast you have grown up, and you to hayley. Y'all are young women
H$- okay enough with all this sad stuff
C- well let me drop you off so you aren't late!! A- okay.
We got in the car and caleb dropped me off at prom. I was super nervous to walk in because I knew I would see hayden, but I got up the courage and I walked through the door... and as soon as I walked in I saw something that made my heart break, but I didn't show any emotion because I didn't want to let anyone know that it hurt me. I saw hayden.... with Jayden as his date.
Super long chapter!! What will happen next?? Do you like Annie's hair, makeup, and dress? Comment 👑 for more!!!  

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