Chapter # 49

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  Hayden's POV: 

Annie showed me the picture of me hugging Kenz and I could tell that she was hurt. Her eyes were red and she had one single tear that rolled down her cheek.
H- what the hell? Who took this?
I knew this picture was taken today because I had on the same shirt as in the picture. I wiped off of Annie's cheek.
A- this is why I can't date you.... I never know when your gonna do something like this.
H- Annie I went to Mackenzie's house for advice.... I was broken because you were mad at me
Annie looked back up at me when I said that... A- wait what?
H- I knew that I didn't kiss Katie so I went to Mackenzie's house to talk to her because I knew she sent you the picture and she was giving me advice on how to talk to you. I started to cry because I thought you were never going to talk to me ever again..... and she hugged me because she felt bad for me.
A- you cried about me?
H- I know you are going to laugh... but yes. You are the only person in this world that I truly care about.

Annie's POV: 

Hayden had just told me that I was the only person that he cared about and in that moment I completely forgot about everything bad that had happened between us and I hugged him so tightly. He hugged back and I could feel him smiling. Then I heard him say something
H- you don't hate me?
A- hayden.. and much as I try... I can't hate you. I can't get you off my mind. I love you.
H- wait.... yo- you- love me?
A- yes.. I love you
H- I love you so much Annie.
A- I'm tired of all these people trying to break us apart... H- Mackenzie wasn't trying to break us apart.. she just thought I was being a jerk as usual and was trying to help you.
A- it's crazy that I started this school year with Mackenzie pouring coffee on me and now she's trying to help me..

  H- yeah ever since she met that Johnny boy she really had changed
A- wait... since she met who?
H- she has a new boyfriend. She's dating Lauren Orlandos cousin, Johnny.
A- awe that's so cute.
H- not as cute as you
A- okay on that note I need to go to bed.
H- ahh you party pooper.
A- I was going to ask you to spend the night but since you are calling me names never mind.
H- I'm sorry?
A- im kidding... if caleb saw that you slept over he would kill me and you
H- then I better get going
Me and Hayden stood up and we walked to the door. I walked him out and as he walked out he placed a hand on my cheek and he kissed me. I really did miss his touch.
H- goodnight my beautiful girl
A- goodnight hayden. I'll see you tomorrow
I closed the door and I thought to myself what did he mean by "goodnight MY beautiful girl" ?? I walked back into my room and I closed my door. As I closed my door I heard a knock. I tried to pretend like I was asleep but the door opened anyways. It was caleb.
C- what are you doing awake? It's nearly 5 am and you have school tomorrow
A- um... I was hungry?
C- but you don't have any food with you?
A- um.. I couldn't find any.
C- you are so random. Goodnight Annie
A- goodnight
He closed the door behind him. That was a close one. I only got about 2 hours of sleep and I heard my alarm go off. This was going to be a long day.


Please don't hate me for this story coming to an end!! I will write another one with just as much drama so I hope you guys are excited about that!! Dm me ideas if you have one :) comment 🐓 for more!!!

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