Chapter # 42

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(Going back to where Johnny saved Mackenzie from the scary dude)
Mackenzie's POV: 
J- hey my names Johnny, I'm new around here.
M- I'm Mackenzie, and thank you so much for helping me back there.
J- well I couldn't let a pretty girl like you get harassed by that old man.
M- pretty girl?
J- ah be quiet. I know guys call you pretty all the time.
M- no not really actually
J- well they should. You are absolutely gorgeous.
M- well thank you
(In this story Johnny is Lauren's older cousins NOT brother. This is just to make the plot work)
Me and Johnny started to walk together and then we found a park bench and we sat down and we started to talk.
J- so how old are you anyways?
M- I'm 17
J- I'm 18, so we're pretty close
M- are you still in high school?
J- yeah I'm finishing my senior year at North Shore High
M- really?? That's my high school. I'm a Junior
J- wait you might know my cousin then..
M- who's your cousin?
J- Lauren Orlando
M- no way
J- what? I know she's a loser please don't judge
He laughed when he said that. He had such a deep laugh and it was so attractive.
M- no she's my best friend
J- that's so crazy
M- yeah I would of never guessed that my best friends cousin would save my life on the night of my prom.
J- oh it's prom, that's why you are so dressed up.
M- well I wouldn't even consider it prom
J- what why?
M- so many things have gone wrong.
J- like what?
M- well my date stood me up. I was supposed to be going with this boy named Brandon but he was "sick". And then there was a bunch of drama with my ex boyfriend because he ditched his date to kiss another girl, and then the whole thing with that scary dude.
J- I'm so sorry....
M- it's okay.. it's just that I never even got to dance with anyone.
J- well let's dance then.
M- what?
Johnny stood up and grabbed my hand. We started to slow dance and it was the most romantic thing that a guy has ever done for me. Once we were done kissing we were tired and we sat back down.
M- what time is it anyways?
J- um let me check.... oh my gosh it's 3 am..... M- shittttttt....... my dads gonna kill me if I go home now.... J- I live in an apartment by myself. Just come with me.
M- are you sure?
J- yeah let's go. I bet you are tired. ---------
Juan is so romantic😂 Do you like hannie or jenzie  chapters more? Or both!!comment 💤 for more!!

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