Chapter # 48

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  Haydens POV: 

I finally pulled myself together and I stopped crying.
H- so what can I do to fix this?
M- try to explain what happened to Annie and she will probably listen..
H- I already tried and she didn't give me time to talk
M- we'll try again... and if she still doesn't believe you then I'll talk to her and explain my mistake.
I looked up at Mackenzie. She was being super nice to me.
H- you would do that for me?
M- of course I would. Hayden I know you are my ex boyfriend but I've moved on, as you can see
She pointed at Johnny when she said that. They were good for each other
M- and I've never seen you this happy with a girl. Annie really has changed you.
H- she has this effect on me.. she's not like other girls.
M- well go talk to your girl and see how it goes. If you need me just text me and I'll talk to Annie.
H- I'm going to talk to her tomorrow at school. I feel like if I do it tonight she might get mad.
M- I think that's a good idea
H- thanks Kenz
Jo- hey only I can call her Kenz
H- sorry!!
Jo- I'm kidding😂
H- well I better go now..
M- bye hayden, goodluck!!
H- bye guys
I went home and I tried to go to sleep. I couldn't sleep well at all because I kept thinking about Annie. I stayed awake until almost 4 in the morning tossing and turning in my bed, thinking of Annie. I couldn't sleep knowing that she was mad at me for something that I didn't even do. I finally decided to get up and I drove to Annie's house, at four in the morning. I threw a small rock at her window so that she would wake up. 

Annie's POV: 

I couldn't sleep well at all. I just sat in the darkness and I thought about what hayden did to me. I couldn't believe that he would kiss my best friend.. and I couldn't believe that my best friend would do this to me. I looked over at the clock and it was 4:09. I was going to be so tired at school.. all of the sudden I heard a small bang on my window. I got up instantly and I looked out the window and I saw hayden. He looked super tired. He was wearing sweatpants and a t shirt. His hair was super curly because he didn't have any product in it. I loved his hair when he wore it natural. I opened my window

 A- Hayden what the hell are you doing here?

H- um.. I couldn't sleep?
A- so you come to my house?
H- I can't sleep... because.... I'm thinking about you...
A- shouldn't you be thinking about Katie? My BEST FRIEND
H- that's what I need to talk to you about.
A- I don't want to hear it.
I started to close my window. But I stoped because I heard hayden say "please Annie.. I love you" he sounded so upset when he said that. I decided to listen to him.
A- fine. Talk.
H- can I come in?
A- I guess so.
He came into my room and we sat on my bed.
H- okay so I went to Katie's house to work on the project, but you already knew that.
A- yeah and then you couldn't help yourself and you kissed her
H- Annie no... just let me talk.
A- fine talk.
H- and Katie looked at me and said "it's kinda hot in here" and she took off her over shirt and was just sitting there in a tank top. I told her that I felt uncomfortable and I asked her to put a shirt on and she leaned in and whispered in my ear "are you still uncomfortable" and she started to kiss me. I pulled away instantly and I told her that I needed to leave and she asked why? And I told her because I love you.
A- well then explain this picture that Katie sent me... I showed him the picture of him and Mackenzie hugging from earlier
H- what the hell??
What will hayden say about the picture of him and Mackenzie? What are your thoughts? Comment ⭐️ for more!!  

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