Chapter 37

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Mary, did you know That your baby boy would one day walk on water? Did you know
That your baby boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you know That your baby boy has come to make you new?
And this child that you've delivered Will soon deliver you
Mary, did you know?

Ceelo Green-Mary Did You Know?

Carla's pov

Well Christmas is just around the came way faster than what I had expected it felt like yesterday was just Thanksgiving.But now we only have 3 weeks until Christmas and I have yet to find a perfect gift for the twins and I need to find one or I am going to go fucking crazy.

Don't get me wrong they really don't deserve anything after what they both had put me through but they deserve a little something right?.......right?I just don't know anymore.....maybe I should just buy them some cookies and wrap them up and give that to them. 

No I can't do that or can? Ugh how can getting someone or two people something so hard and I can't just go up to them and say "Hey guys I don't exactly know what to get either of you.....what do you want me to get you two?" No I can't do that

I really need help, and I need it immediately and I tried going online to google and ask"What do men like for Christmas gifts?" And nothing good came up.

Ugh! Somebody,anybody help me! Getting an idea I through on my robe and my slippers and race from room to the twins room.

Knocking on their door,Mike opens it and steps aside so that I could fully go in.

"Hey what are you doing up so early?it's only 8:00 am and you usually don't get up until noon" he says

"Oh nothing much just umm.....I'm looking for something......yeah I'm looking for my earrings that I left in here" I say.... what a nice save

"Oh do you know where you left it?" He asked

"No it probably got thrown away...but it's fine but anyway I'm trying to get my dad a Christmas gift but I want to get him something different do you know what I should get him?"I ask

And Mike just stares at me before answering

"Just get him a gift that came from your heart and that you put a long and hard thought in to" and he's right

I thank him and kissed him on the lips.....sue me and then I left going back to my room already thinking of a perfect gift for the twins. 

I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you like the new chapter!!!!!!!!!

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