Chapter 35

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"Gloria, Gloria
Angels, from the realms of glory,
Wing your flight o'er all the earth;
Ye who sang creation's story,
Now proclaim Messiah's birth:
Gloria, Gloria
Gloria, in excelsis Deo
Gloria, in excelsis Deo
Gloria, Gloria
Saints before the altar bending,
Watching long in hope and fear,
Suddenly the Lord, descending,
In His temple shall appear:
Though an Infant now we view Him,
He shall fill His Father's throne"

Piano Guys- Angels we have heard on high

Carla's pov

You know sometimes I think that Michael intentionally loves getting on my nerves, and it's a fact.But what do you expect that's his personality after all,no matter how much I wanted to change it.I can't,even though I tried and tried and tried.

Mentioning his personality,Christmas is coming and I have no idea what to get him because where still out of the country and in a foreign place so I really have no idea what store to go to and what to get because let's face it both Michael and Alex have enough money to get whatever they won't.Maybe.....umm...maybe,ugh I'm all out of ideas,how can thinking of a gift for someone be so hard,I need some serious help.

Maybe calling and asking Michael himself.No that would be too suspicious like"Hi Michael I was just calling and randomly asking what type of things do you prefer?And not in a sexual way".Yeah that's not happening at all,I can just imagine the smirk that would be on his face.

Ok so I'll worry about Michael later,so now I can focus on Alex and his gift,now Alex is a bit easier than Michael.I know that Alex loves dogs unlike Michael who hates them.Alex loves "Manly" bath sets unlike Michael who hates even the smell of scented bath soap.Alex loves food and his favorite color is red,unlike Michael who is a health fanatic and get this.... his favorite color is black.Seriously.

Now I already have in mind what I am going to get Alex I just have to find a store that sales "Manly" scented bath set.that won't be to hard,note my sarcasm.This should be so easy.Ok maybe not,but I should have a little faith it is the season of miracles.Right?Right? Oh god what if this holiday season go down the drain,no I can't think like that because I am very blessed,because some people don't even have a roof over their head or food on the table and here I am complaining about Michael and Alex's Christmas gift and how it has to be special when it can just come from my heart. this gives me a good idea but I don't know if it will play out like I would want it to,but I have to try,and if it doesn't work well at least I gave it a chance.And that reminds me I have to call and wish my dad a Merry Christmas and ask if he got the gift I sent him,knowing that I wouldn't be home,so I just had it delivered to him.

And me being the kind person I am,I brought my mama and sister a little gift,I brought my dad this expensive antique that he has been wanting for years,I got my mom a make up set like always because that is what she her make up and I got my sister a black and sliver maxi dress.I know what your thinking how can I buy my mom and sister something when they have been nothing but mean to me.

Well all I have to say is,no matter what they are still my mother and sister and I can't let their rudeness destroy the holiday season,so why not kill them with kindess(well to be honest why not just do it out of the kindness of my heart).

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