Chapter 52

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"You don't hit my line no more, oh, oh,You don't make it ring, ring, ring, ring,I can't keep this on the low,I want you to make it ring, ring, ring, ring,Should I call first? I can't decide,I want to, but a bitch got pride,The switchin' up shit is what I can't fuck with,I'm feelin' you but you hard to get in touch with,And you ain't hit me up in a while,Actin' like you don't know what number to dial"

      Cardi B ft Kehlani-Ring

Carla's pov

Ok so right now I'll admit what I am doing might not be one of my finest moments.....and some might even say it's childish......ok I'm lying it is childish but what can I say? I am a kid at heart.

Ok so while the twins where sleeping(They're still sleeping) I might have tied them both to the bed post,Alex is tied to the right and Michael is tied to the me being me I went right back into the I was so PEACEFULLY going to sleep in before the boys interrupted me.I wonder how long it'll take them to wake and realized that they are tied down.....but in my defense it's only their hands that are tied,but now that I think about it it doesn't to them if it's just their hands they're still gonna be super pissed.

Looking at the clock I see it's only 12:00 at night when means I'll get a good nights rest before the boys wake up.And tomorrow is Monday.....ughh work day.

Morning time(9:00am)

Turning over onto my back I lay still for a few minutes before deciding to get up and see if the boys are woke yet....and they're still sleep what the hell don't they have a company to run or something. Ok what I am about to do will probably have me dead.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and grab I the biggest bowl I could find and I fill up to the top with ice cold water,going back up to the room that the twins are in I stand on Alex's side and throw the cold water onto the both of them. Like I said when they get freed from the restraints they're going to kill me.

Spitting water out of his mouth Michael looks up at me with deadly,cold eyes.....Welp I'm in deep shit.

"I see you two lazy pants are up" I say with a bright and cheery smile on my face

Trying to move his arms Michael looks up to his hands with a confused face but before he could say anything his brother had beaten him to it.

"Carla!? Why the fuck are out hands tied to the bed post?" I see that somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning

"Well let's call it back for dragging me out of the room last night" I say back

"I swear to god Carla when we get out of these your ass is going to be so red you won't even be able to sit down properly!" Somebody seems a little pissed

"Ok whatever you say now if you two will excuse I need to take a shower I'll be back to check on you two"

Walking out of the room I head to take a shower and to piss them off even more I plan to make it a nice and longgggg shower.

2hours later

Yep.....I said it was going to be a long shower......coming out of the bathroom I head to the bed where I had laid my clothes....but I don't see them and I know I'm not going crazy because I had laid them there,what the hell.I looked under the bed, on both sides of the bed under the covers,clothes can't just get up and walk always.

"Looking for these" Oh no....Oh no no no nooooo

Slowly turning around I see that Alex is holding up the clothes that I had laid on the bed,how the hell did the get out of those restraints?

"Umm,H-how did you two get loose?" I shakily say

"Well you see babe it's a little called you sure make sure that the knots are actually tight" Alex said in a pretty deadly voice which I know is not to be a good thing

And Michael is standing beside him so I'm most definitely afraid.

"Ok so it's going to go like this me and Michael with move on to the other side of the room and we'll give you 10 seconds to run and you better run baby because when we catch you, your ass is gonna be so fucking red"

Let Alex said him and Michael,moved to the other side of the room and started to count and as soon as he hit number 5 I was out of the room like a dog was on my tail.I made it all the way to the downstairs bathroom beside the kitchen and I hid in there and locked the door. Why did my dumb ass have to come up a plan like this I turn off the lights in the bathroom I did not want to give up so easily.

I heard some shuffling on the stairs before the both of them came down,I heard them moving stuff around in the living, where the hell would I even hide in the living room?Now they're in the kitchen again what the fuck.....are they that slow?

"Ok I give up Carla come out we looked everywhere even upstairs" awe Michael was pleasing with me but to bad I'm not falling for it

And then all of a sudden everything seemed to happen so fast I saw the doorknob jingling right before it opened and I was face to face with a smirking Michael who held up a shiny key,ok now I am officially dead.

"How did you know where I was?" Me and my stupid hiding places

"Come on babe you're to easy" asshole

"Ok let's talk about this?" I plead with them both

Cocking his head to the side Michael said" What is there to talk about?You fucking tied us to a bed post and then you threw some goddamn cold water on us" ok he made it sound like i killed his dog or something

"In my defense I only tied your hands to the bed post and not your legs so you did get to move your body around so-Whoa what are you doing? What do the two of you always pick me up like some rag doll" I scream while being flung over Michael shoulder

"Like I said earlier your ass is going to be so red and sore" wow now Alex decides to speak up

But I'm not going down without a fight so as Michael takes us out the bathroom and as we pass the kitchen I hold onto the frame of the kitchen.

"Let it go Carla!" I just shake my head no, I know that if I let go I'm signing a death wish

Sighing,Alex comes out behind us and pries my fingers of the frame and right then and there I knew what ever they had planned I am definitely going to be sore after.

We enter the room that I had the boys tied down in,and before Michael could even put me down I held onto the back of his shirt making sure that neither him or Alex can pry my hands away.

"Carla either way you're getting a punishment so the more that you continue to fight the worse your punishment will" wow the disciplinary Alex speak again

"Hmmm let me think about it.....nope
I'm good" digging myself a bigger grave by the second

I heard rather then saw Alex move so that I could see him and boy let me tell you we was pissed.

"Look I am done asking you nicely,so let go of his shirt and take your fucking punishment"

"Let me give you a proposition if you let me go and not punish me I'll do whatever you want for the 4 weeks" I say hopefully

"Hmmm......let me think about it....nope" Bitch

"Welp them I'm not letting his shirt go asshole" I say back defiantly

Before I could register what was happening Michael has slapped my ass so hard that out of my reflex I took both of my hands off of his shirt and covered my ass and the next thing I know I'm being thrown onto the bed with two extremely pissed off men standing above me.

"Have I told you how much I love you lately" I say with fake innocence

"A little to late for that don't you think babe" ughhh I swear Alex is a fucking bitch

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