Chapter 10-"promise me"

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The next day - Tuesday - everyone seems to be acting as if nothing happened . well except me and j . we know exactly what happened . j and Liam made a pact that night .

"promise me that we will stick together no matter what Liam .. I know I'm not the best big sister but I love you . even though were not really that close your still my best friend . I promise that I'll always be there for you .. I'm so sorry I didn't notice before" she said softly as we still sat on the floor . her embrace tightening in the slightest .

It kind of makes me sad to see her like this . she shouldn't have to see me like this . she shouldn't have to deal with me like this . and the worst part is that she doesn't even know the whole story . she's crushed now imagine what she would be like if I told her the whole truth .. but she's making a promise to me .. and promises aren't broken right ? I trust j with my life .

"I promise j . I'm so sorry you have to deal with this .. i-I'm just so scared . I don't know what to do anymore . but I promise we'll stick together . I promise j .. I promise" I repeat letting the tears fall .

I made a promise to her and I plan on keeping it . I'm glad she's helping me because honestly .. I'd probably be dead right now .

I made my way to the door and grab my bag checking my pockets for my phone before exiting the house . as I'm walking I take a minute to look at my surroundings when I stop . I used to just look around and I would calm down but lately so much has happened . I breathe in and close my eyes opening them slowly only to yelp in surprise .

"Jesus Jessica don't do that" I say quietly putting a hand over my heart . I didn't even notice her walking by me . I almost pissed myself . she just chuckles softly taking my arm and continuing to walk . I try not to wince since the cuts on my arms are still healing well the deep ones at least .

We near the school but I quickly stop . I know me and j are closer and everything but I still remember her being embarrassed of me in school . I mean I get my ass beat and everyone knows me as the queer kid or the freak . plus she's popular and I don't want people saying stuff to her . we already have to deal with that at home now .

"what ?" she asks when she turns around to look at me . I take a shaky breath looking around and making sure no one popular sees .

"umm .. well its just your .. ya know popular and well i-I'm ... not" I say quietly looking down at my old converse . she chuckles softly which makes me look up at her in confusion .

"Liam I know I said that stuff before but I don't care anymore . your my brother and I love you , plus we made a promise and I don't plan on breaking it" she says giving me a small smile before grabbing my arm again and leading the way .

The walk to the school doors is a little weird . I can see and hear people whispering .

"ewh is that Jessica ?"

"why is she walking with him ?"

"hes such a fag "

I sigh and put my head down . this is going to get back I can feel it . right as were about to make our way inside some douche decides to speak up .

"why are you talking to queerdo Jessica ?" he says giving me a look of disgust . I sigh wow how original never heard that one before douche . this is why I hate people .

"shut the hell up Ryan don't talk about my brother like that before I beat your ass" she snaps leaving him stunned . I hope no one gives her shit for this . I don't care if it's me I'm more worried about her safety . we walk into the school building people already whispering . I mean really its not that surprising is it ?

"j you should go to class I don't want you to be late" I whisper to her . she nods telling me to meet her here in the afternoon . I nod before walking to my locker . I put in my locker combination and take a look at the little mirror in my locker . the bruise isn't as bad but its still there . I groan and then feel myself being slammed into the ground .

"shit" I curse silently . I look up and see none other than Chris . what a surprise ..

"aww did queerdo get his ass beat again ?" he laughs ok seriously that is the worst insult anyone could come up with . I roll my eyes and try to stand but hes not having it . he pushes my shoulders roughly making me fall back down . oh god please make this quick . and it is quick . a couple of insults 3 punches and 2 kicks later I'm in class .

He managed to get me in the jaw and kick my shin but I guess it could be worse . this isn't the worst hes done . I sigh and sit in my chair . this is the class I have with zany . I've been avoiding him for obvious reasons but he still tries to talk to me . I quickly put my head down when he walks in the class .

"hey Liam" he says in his normally friendly voice . I resist the urge to groan out loud and just settle for ignoring him . he sighs and takes a seat next to me . shit . please don't . the bell rings and the teacher walks in .

"group activity today 2 people per group . you must complete this activity-" I tune her out . this is good because well no one ever picks me and I'll be alone . great .

"zany who's your partner ?" the teacher asks as she comes by handing us the worksheet . I still keep my face hidden from zany however .

He jerks his thumb towards me "this guy" he says turning to face me . fuck shit no please why ?! the teacher nods before going to the next group .

"so Liam how's-" he goes quiet not even finishing his sentence . on instinct I look at him and his eyes widen before he reaches out to touch my jaw . I flinch away from his hand making him sigh and give me those sad eyes .

"Liam what happened" he says softly . please stop this please I beg to no one in particular . I look down at my lap and ignore him . he touches my shoulder and I stiffen instantly standing up and practically running out of the classroom . oh god he touched me . I hate it when people touch me . I only let j or mom touch me occasionally . ugh I felt like throwing up from his touch .

Don't get me wrong I like zany and all -not like that , ok maybe a little- but every time someone touches me it feels like their his hands on me .. I dry heave and run to the bathroom throwing up in the nearest toilet . I throw up everything until there's nothing left . I lean back against the stall door and pull my phone out opening anew message .

To j:

Please can you take me home I just threw up ? ):

I hit send and immediately I get a reply saying to meet her at the front doors . I stand up and flush the toilet . my legs shaking with every step I take . I rinse my mouth out before walking to the front of the school . j is waiting anxiously by the doors .

"are you alright Liam ?" she asks grabbing my face and looking at the new and old bruises . I just nod a little as she walks me outside . sadly we have to walk home not that its far its just I feel like passing out and that would freak her out .

We make it home an hour later due to my slow walking and me having to stop to throw up once or twice . oh god I didn't know it would be this bad . maybe I'm sick . I have been feeling a little worse but I didn't think much of it .

She leads me up to my room laying me in bed taking my shoes off and wrapping the duvet around me . she goes in the bathroom and comes back with a trashcan setting it beside my bed . I give her a grateful smile .

"do you want some soup or maybe you should rest .. maybe we should go-" I stop her rant from continuing .

"its fine j thank you" I say softly . she sighs and nods telling me to call her if I need anything before exiting the room . I close my eyes after a while and open them again .

I close them and with met with zayns sad and worried eyes . I groan and squeeze my eyes shut tighter . why zany why must you always be in my mind .

I groan one last time before letting out a sigh of defeat and let the images of zany take over my mind . eventually helping me fall asleep .

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