Chapter 31-time

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So my fellow people I just got a new iPhone and I'm getting Internet pretty soon so I'm very excited.

Also in 3rd point of view

From the moment Liam got out of bed he knew today would be bad. Although yesterday was great. Sometimes things just don't always last. At least he got some peace.

Its hard. Definitely. But he'll survive... Hopefully.

He feels sore all over and his eyes sting a bit. He's got a little bit of dried snot and drool on his face. He's missing a sock and his head is pounding mildly.

Yep today should be great he thinks heading to the bathroom.


Obviously it's not better because it's been a week and it's still bad.

He walks through the hallways like a zombie. Completely lifeless and numb to everything. He still gets teased and harassed but he can't seem to feel anything. Not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing.

All he knows is that when he sits at lunch zayn isn't there and everyone is watching him with sad eyes.


It definitely doesn't get better since that week because it's now been a month.

A month with no zayn and sad eyes watching. His eyes seem to have become dull and they always seem to have tears in them just waiting to fall. But they never do.

He's received many bruises and lots of nights he's often greeted by the monster he calls his father. He's also received worried looks and questions from his friends. All to which he never answers to.

He's seen zayn in the hallways and he often gives him sad looks whenever he sees there's a new bruise added. He never says anything though which makes Liam's heart ache even more.

A month and all he gets is sad looks



And it's now been a month and a week when zayn finally approaches Liam.

And of course it's when Liam gets up to go to the bathroom. Empty hallway.

"L-Liam" zayn says hesitantly.

But Liam just continues walking as if he didn't hear him.

Just keep walking Liam keep walking

"Liam" he says louder even coming closer and putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't touch me" Liam practically yells moving as far away as possible. Touching his shoulder and rubbing it as if he was just burned. But that's what it felt like. Felt like someone just poured boiling water down his shoulder or something.

He gives zayn a look. Like when your parents tell you to clean your room and you just kind of make a face as if to say 'seriously' or 'ha yeah no'. He's done with zayn. At least that's what he wants to think. So maybe if he does this he'll feel ... I don't know, free? He probably won't but he doesn't want to face zayn yet. Not now .. Maybe not ever. He's to hurt and he just can't stand to look at his face sometimes. Right now it's one of those times.

So he just sort of gives zayn this look mixed with 'what the fuck' and annoyance.

Zayn just looks stunned so Liam turns and walks away.

And that's the end of it


"Cmon Liam I know-well I mean I don't know but it's ok for-well it's not ok but I mean.. It's fine if your-well no but-" Harry's rambling and so Liam cuts him off.

"I get it" he shrugs.

"Lou your turn" and that's how it's been. They take turns trying to 'cheer him up'. It's not that easy though.

"Look I don't need to be cheered up I'm fine alright" he rolls his eyes at the boys.

"Liam your-your crying" niall whispers reaching over and whipping one away with the pad of his thumb. And Liam sniffs realizing that he is. But he can't... He might break down and then he might tell them the truth and and ..

"I'm fine!" He snaps smacking nialls hand away. He ignores the hurtful look he gets from him and stands up and leaves.


"Hey Liam I know what zayn did and believe me I've dealt with him.. I mean he doesn't see what he did but don't worry i got it covered" Louis' talking but Liam isn't listening. Simply sitting outside in front of a tree. A tree where he once sat at and a tree where zayn found him and talked to himself for hours. He remembers it clear as day.

He wishes he didn't.

"Liam you look like your about to cry all the time.. We're worried about you I mean.. You barely eat" he pauses gauging Liam's face to see his reaction. It's the same blank old stare.

"Your like skin and bones and were worried and ... Scared Liam.. Your our friend and we care about you and we don't know what to do we just-we just want the happy Liam back" he whispers still looking at him while Liam states off into space.

And it's actually really funny because Liam was never really that happy. The last time he was truly happy was when he was 7. Before everything. So how would they know what happy Liam is like? They've never even met him.

"We're just worried and-and you know we love you" Louis gives a sad smile.

So Liam just shrugs and gets up and walks away.

[its not the best but it's something so enjoy and I love you all so so much]

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