chapter 15-jealous?

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After Louis figured out I liked zayn on Monday he's been texting me and telling me when zayn looks or talk about me. In a way it's kind of reassuring that I'm not the only one staring. But also it doesn't mean anything I mean I'd love to be more than friends but I'll take what I can get. Me and zayn have been getting closer and I'm enjoying every minute of it. He invited me to his house again and I got to see the kittens. They've grown a lot since the last time. I told Louis about it when I got home. It's great to finally have someone to talk to about this. Although I don't tell Louis everything I'd say were great friends.

Even now as I sat here in my 3rd period class being bored out of my mind he would text me and it would be less boring. Although since I've been texting and talking to him more I've noticed harry getting a bit weird too. I hope he doesn't get the wrong impression because I would never get in the way of them. Ever.

The bell rang and for the more of my classes I either fell asleep or stared out of the window. Although there's still months of school left I can't wait for it to end. I love the summer time because then I don't have to deal with all this stress. Even though I have to deal with things at home too at least I won't have to deal with school.

Things at home have been ... better and worse. Better because he doesn't come in as much anymore and worse because if he's not getting his way with me he's hitting me. And Jessica is never there to help. We made a promise and I know she has a life but sometimes I wish she would save me when he's got his filthy hands all over me. The bell rings and I thank god because if it wasn't for the bell I would probably start crying just thinking of all that.

Making my way to the cafeteria I immediately spot niall who's face is red- from laughing most likely.

"Hey Li" Louis is the first to greet. I just give a small wave back before sitting down. I can see the way harry tightens his grip around his waist. Uh oh I knew this would happen. I understand he's being a good boyfriend but I mean really Louis would never cheat especially with someone like me.

"Uh Louis can I t-talk to you for a s-sec" i mentally curse myself for stuttering again. Only because I'm nervous of what harry and the others will think. He nods saying he'll be right back to harry before I lead him to the hallway.

"I don't think harry likes me Louis..." I trail off not knowing exactly how to say this. He just gives me a confused look back. I let out a long sigh pouting "seriously I think it's because we've been talking more I don't want him to think anything weird ya know" I trail off again.

"Oh?" he says confused then he finally gets it "oh" he says before shaking his head. "Don't worry Li nothing is going to happen" he says reassuringly patting my shoulder. I sigh but then tense as I see harry standing behind Louis.

"Uh no it's not-we weren't... I wasn't" I trail off moving my hands frantically motioning to me and Louis. He turns around and I can see Louis' shoulders drop.

"What's going on" harry says. I can tell he's angry or jealous or something. I don't know why though. I don't like Louis I don't but I mean I guess I understand where he's coming from.

Louis walks up to him and whispers something in his ear. I can't hear obviously but I can see harry nodding slowly and then his face softens. After Louis finishes' saying what he says harry looks relieved.

"Why didn't you just say so" he says lightly punching Louis shoulder. "That's all you had to say" he says giving Louis a kiss on the lips before walking back into the cafeteria.

"w-what did you tell him" I ask nervously.

"Oh just that you like zayn and that I was helping you" he says nonchalantly looking at his nails. I can literally feel my mouth drop open as I stare at him in shock. Oh my god. I storm back into the cafeteria and tap harry frantically on the shoulder.

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