chapter 16-"do you?"

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Fair warning that this chapter might suck.. and its short .. sigh


Since I told-more like they found out-the lads about my 'crush' on zayn they've been helping me a lot. After that one day when perrie decided to sit with us she's been all over zayn. Literally. I wish she would leave. The words she said to me still make me feel some type of way. I didn't tell any of the guys though. Besides I can tell that zayn likes her and plus I don't really have a say in this.

The boys have been helping me though. Especially niall every time I look or feel the slightest bit sad he always finds a way to make it better. Louis and harry try their best but in the end they end up kissing or snogging and I have to sit there awkwardly. I mean they're a great couple but it gets a little weird at times.

We were all currently skipping class and sitting in the football field- of course. I'm surprised zayn didn't ask perrie to come with us. Ugh I'm acting so childish. Maybe she's actually nice and sweet. Maybe I'm just judging her too much. Maybe.

"What are you thinking about Li" niall asks from beside me.

"Nothing" I sighed laying back and looking up at the sky. I was probably overthinking everything. Yeah I'm just overthinking and I need to relax. Since zayn has perrie maybe I should move on too. Right?

I could see niall lay down next to me. He was looking up at the sky too with his blue eyes. Niall did have pretty eyes. They were so blue it was like I was staring into an ocean at times. They would always light up when he smiled or got excited. He reminded me of a little kid at times with his energetic personality. Not that, that was a bad thing it was great.

"What" I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. I didn't even realize I was staring that hard until he said something chuckling slightly. I sat up- a bit to quickly-feeling my head spin slightly. I could see harry and Louis looking at me with raised eyebrows. I suddenly felt nervous under their gaze.

"ooooh I see you liam" harry said shoving my shoulder slightly. At this point im pretty sure I was as red as a tomato. "aww he's blushing look lou" harry said pinching my cheeks. I groaned covering my face with my hands.

"I don't get it" I hear niall say as the others laughed.

"oh im just suggesting that little liam here has a crush on oh I don't know you maybe" harry said innocently looking at niall with a dimpled grin. Niall blushed looking over at me as if he were asking if it was true.

All eyes were on me and for a second I forgot zayn was there until my eyes landed on his. His eyes were slightly wide and cheeks flushed. I didn't really know what to say. I mean do I like niall? Hes not even gay and.. and that would be weird no?

"uh I-I" I stuttered nervously looking at all of them. Louis and harry where looking as if they were about to burst just wanting to know the answer. Niall was sitting patiently beside me staring intently at me. and zayn well zayn was still sitting there eyes wide and cheeks flushed.

"do you" niall asked from beside me.

"i-I don't kn-know" I stuttered out pathetically putting my head down. I felt like a terrible person. I mean maybe I should move on. Zayn did so why shouldn't I? but at the same time im not sure if I like niall like that. I don't even think HE likes me. the end of the day bell rang and I jumped slightly.

"well.. I'll see you lads later come on lou" harry said helping Louis up taking his hand then skipping away. Literally he started skipping while Louis desperately tried to make him stop. Now it was just me, zayn and niall.

"I guess I should go" I said awkwardly standing up and grabbing my bag. I felt someone grab my hand before I could leave making me look down. It was niall.

"u-um call me yeah" he said nervously squeezing my hand slightly. He got up quickly letting go of my hand before walking away after saying a short 'bye zayn'. Now it was just me and zayn.

"do you like niall" he asked hesitantly before getting up. "tell me the truth" he said taking a step closer so that we were only about a foot away.

"I don't know" I replied nervously bitting my nails. He reached up and removed my hand so that I couldn't bit my nails anymore. Hes was closer now. Close enough to were our chest were just barely touching.

"he likes you" he said in an almost sad tone still holding my hand.

"i... maybe we should be friends" I whispered afraid at the suggestion. He smiles slightly letting go of my hand, putting it on my shoulder.

"if that's what you want" he said squeezing my shoulders in the slightest before walking away. I groaned out in frustration after he left. Why does he care if I like niall or not. He likes perrie and he doesn't see me confusing him. Pulling out my phone I dialed nialls number. Almost immediately he answered.

"hey" he said breathlessly.



[cliffhanger kind of. Should the niam continue ..? im not sure yet but yes chapter 16 is finally done. Sorry this is short eehh i kind of went blank for a second. Next chapter will be better I pinky promise. Thanks for reading and shoutout to lauren_stockton for voting. Love you all and thank you so much for reading]

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