chapter 12-queerdo

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This chapter is longer than the others .. sorry . its alright but there's some ziam interaction so yay . i'll be a bit busy with exams but i'll try my best to upload more chapters . alright I'll be leaving now . thanks for reading x


as me and Jessica walk to school the next morning I can't help but to smile . last night when I got home nothing happened . of course mom still had him around but that night I was able to sleep without him coming in and doing something . I can't remember when the last time I had a day like that was . it almost seems kind of weird I mean .. I can't explain it .

I didn't even realize I was at my locker yet until I was shoved into it roughly . I didn't have to think twice about who it was . well I guess good days only happen once every decade for me . great I can already feel a headache making its way . I can just look at Chris and get a headache . he's the most hot headed , egotistical , douche baggiest jerks ever . you know how there's always that one person that can just stand there and you hate them . that's Chris .

"long time no see queer how's it been ? oh wait I don't care" his little posse begin to laugh even though it wasn't even funny . I fight the urge to roll my eyes because I know that'll only make it worse . once they stop laughing one of them comes up behind me and pushes me . they all form a little circle around me and push me back and forth . ok now I definitely have a head ache .

"queerdo queerdo" they repeat almost in a song type of way . if I wasn't such a whimp I would've loved to leave a bruise on all of their faces . it feels like I've been pushed for hours but really it's only for about 2 minutes .

"HEY" someone yells over their annoying voices . they stop momentarily making me feel as if I'm about to pass out . i sway slightly putting a hand on my forehead before falling to my knees . Chris just snorts at whoever yelled and decided to kick me . great just what I needed .

"HEY I said leave him the fuck alone !" zayn spits . I sigh in relief because thank god I won't be getting beat that bad today . but of course Chris must find this hilarious since he laughs and turns to zayn .

"your actually defending him ?" he says him with so much disgust kind of like how I describe my

"yes I am now leave him alone" zayn replies taking a step closer to Chris . wow zayn is really intimidating right now . especially since he's wearing a leather jacket . he looks really good wearing it if I do say so myself . ugh fuck you zayn why are you doing this ? to save your ass my subconscious answers .

"why should I ? he's just a worthless fag who likes it up the ass . isn't that right Liam ?" he crouches down so that he's at eye level when he says the last part . looking me straight in the eye as he calls me a worthless fag before shoving me so I fall on my back . next thing I know zayn is grabbing him by the back of the shirt and slamming him hard into the wall of lockers .


"don't ever fucking call him that again you hear me" he says through clenched teeth holding the color of Chris's shirt so tight his knuckles are white . oh my god what is happening . at this point everyone has stopped to see what's happening . some whispering some recording . Chris looks terrified I mean I would too zayn is freaking me out . I don't think anyone has ever seen him this mad .

Wait ... he got mad because Chris was doing stuff to me .. no don't even get any ideas Liam . its nothing zayn is just a nice guy I'm sure he would do something like that for everyone .

Chris nods frantically his eyes wide with fear . zayn lets him go and Chris and his posse walk -more like run- somewhere else . everyone else just stands there wide eyed including myself . ok maybe I'm over exaggerating not everyone is like that but still .. that was pretty shocking . zayn sighs shaking his head a little before turning to me . he motions for me to get up and follow him . I hesitate but do as he says .

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