chapter 14-louis knows

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The whole weekend all I could think about was Friday. Friday and only Friday. That had probably been the first time I've ever let someone touch me for that long. Well besides Jessica or unless someone is hitting me or... hes touching me. Zayn had given me his number after the hug and told me to call him. Of course I went back and apologized to his friends several times. I can't believe I freaked out like that in front of them. But now that I'm ok with zayn touching me-for the most part- I don't think I'll have another panic attack like that. They told me it was ok but I still felt so embarrassed. Thank god Chris wasn't there because I'm sure he would've given me shit about it.

But even then they still assured me that it was ok and I felt so happy. Happy that they didn't call me a freak. Happy that they didn't hit me or yell at me. Happy that I finally had friends. Every time I think about Friday I can't help but just feel happy.

Even now as I got ready for school I couldn't help but smile. I haven't called or texted zayn. 2 reasons. One: I don't want to seem creepy or desperate. And 2: I don't want him to think I'm a baby that needs to be taken care of. I mean I know I have problems but... I don't need anyone's help. I've got everything under control.

I made my way downstairs after getting dressed wearing a simple navy blue long sleeve and some skinny jeans. They weren't as tight as Harry's; I honestly don't know how he can even breathe in those things. I sighed as I got my bag making sure I had my phone before walking to school. This time it was lonely and silent since j wasn't here. She had spent the weekend at her boyfriends-tom-house. Not that mom minded obviously. She didn't really care what j did as long as she didn't get arrested or pregnant. I've noticed now that even though Jessica and I made a promise she hasn't really been keeping her word. But I guess that's ok she shouldn't have to worry about me so I'm ok with her doing her own thing.

I near the school when I feel my phone vibrate. Taking it out of my pocket I look to see I have a new message. Unlocking my phone and clicking the message from zayn.

From zayn:

I see you x

My heart jumped a little bit. I looked around confused as to where he was but I didn't see anything. I turned around slowly and let out an embarrassing squeak when I saw he was in front of me. And extremely close might I add. I felt my face burn as I tried covering my face to hide the blush. He just chuckled and pulled my hands away this time without me flinching. He smile and took my hand guiding me over to where him and his friends were at previously.

I know it was just a friendly gesture but I couldn't help but feel a small spark. It felt like I had been shocked but maybe I was just nervous. I know he didn't feel it I mean he didn't show any sign of feeling it so it must just be me. I sighed as we finally got where Louis, harry and niall were.

"Hey mate how are you" niall asked. All I could do was shrug. I wasn't exactly comfortable talking to them yet. I had told myself not to get to attached and that's exactly what I was going to do. But niall was always nice, well since the day I met him anyways. He's loud and has a contagious laugh but overall he's a great person and I can't help but feel somewhat happy around him. He always has a smile on his face no matter what and his eyes always light up when he's happy-which is pretty much all the time.

"So what'd you guys do this weekend" zayn asked all of us. Niall went on a rant about how he got kicked out of the pet store for letting the puppies loose. The whole time he was laughing and had to stop half way through the story to catch his breathe. Louis and harry where chuckling softly but not rally paying attention to him. They were more in their own little world. Harry's arms wrapped tightly around Louis' waist whispering sweet nothings in his ear about how much he loved him. I could just cry at how cute they were. Soul mates.

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