Chapter 11-football field

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The rest of the night consisted of Jessica taking care of me even though I told her I was fine . that didn't stop her from babying me not that I'm complaining . now I'm feeling much better . ok so that was a lie but at least I'm not throwing up anymore . which is good .

We're currently walking to school after me having to beg j to just let me go to school . I mean i didn't particularly want to go but id rather go to school then stay home with him . I was fine but obviously she thought differently . its not even that big of a deal but whatever , j will be j .

We reach the school and as always the whispers start up . seriously its not the end of the fucking world here . I groan , me and j parting ways as I make my way to my locker . i put in the combination and gather whatever shit it is I'll need for my classes today . I shut my locker and am surprised I haven't been slammed into it yet . whatever I won't question it .


The rest of the day is pretty lame . I'm surprised nothing bad has happened yet . no Chris . no zayn no no-

"hey Liam !" shit fuck why . I jinxed it . I don't even turn around I just continue walking . I know he's following me but jesus why can't he just leave me alone for once .

"Liam" he repeats only this time I can feel his breath right on the back of my neck . I stop abruptly and turn around glaring slightly .

"what " i whisper . I've never really been much to talk that's why when I do I whisper . and plus I'm just to fucking messed up I'm terrified that if I'm to lad I'll get hit .. like at home .

He puts his hands up in surrender chuckling slightly . jesus zayn is so gorgeous . I've never noticed before but he really is . with this perfectly styles raven colored hair and his eyes are what get me the most . their like ... I can't even explain it . no! I scold myself . shaking those thoughts from my head I look down at my old converse and wait for what he has to say .

"Liam" he whispers trailing off . ok if this is about the bruises I might as well leave . but I don't for some reason . I just stand there looking at my shoes while zayn seems to be thinking of what to say next .

"what happened Liam ?" he questions . I just shrug because what else is there to say . I can't tell him the truth . he might hit me for being a queer or something . the last thing I want is for zayn to hate me .

"fine come here" he says making a move to grab my arm only I flinch away . he sighs and gestures for me to follow . when his back is to me I follow biting my nails nervously . it recently became a habit after everything that's happened . we end up outside and he leads me to the football field . immediately I sit in the middle of the field completely forgetting about zayn for a while .

He clears his throat but I don't care . I need to relax right now . so much shit has been piled up that I need to take a minute . I lay on my back arms and legs spread out . I missed doing this . closing my eyes I take a couple of deep breaths and I slowly feel myself calming down . I open my eyes slowly only to see zayn staring down at me from his position .

I groan out loud this time . did he see I was having a moment . "what do you need" I asked quietly returning my attention to the clouds floating by .

"to know what happened . was it Chris again ?" he asks his voice slightly raising at the mention of Chris . I just shrug again . he shouldn't care so why should I tell him . I just look up at the clouds and get lost in my own little perfect world for a while .

I don't know how long we've been here but zayn hasn't stopped asking and by this point I don't even bother shrugging as a response . he eventually sighs and lays down too . his hands resting on his stomach as he looks at the clouds too .

"that one looks like a duck" he says after a moment of silence pointing at the cloud . i follow his finger and see that yes, it does look like a duck . I look around and find one that looks like a fish . pointing my finger zayn looks and laughs softly . oh god I could've melted right then and there . I try my hardest to keep the smile from showing but I fail .

"that one looks like ... an elephant" he points to one that looks nothing like a elephant . I snort and look at him I confusion . he laughs again before shaking his head at me smiling up at the sky .

After minutes of silence he speaks again "I didn't know your sister was Jessica". How can people not I mean same last names , we don't look that much different . I shrug again not bothering to answer because really what am I supposed to say .

After that we just laid there for a while . I never thought I'd be lying in the middle of a football field with zayn . out of all people zayn . he's so nice and he has friends yet he chooses to pay attention to some nobody like me . it doesn't make sense but I won't question it . I'll just enjoy the little time I'll have with him .

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out seeing that Jessica texted asking where I am . I sit up and zayn does the same . I text back saying I'll meet her at the doors before standing up . zayn doing the same .

"hey I uh I'll see you later Liam " he says giving me a small smile before jogging back into the school . he's so gorgeous why must he do this to me . I sigh before walking back into the school and to the front where j is patiently waiting . as I reach her she links our arms together and leads the way to the house .

Today was surprisingly a good day for Liam . even if he didn't speak to zayn much it was nice just having him there . his presence alone just makes Liam slightly happier . maybe this is good for him .. maybe zayn will be a good thing for Liam . a smile makes its way onto liams face as he continues walking with Jessica .


[It's currently 1 am and I decided "hey why not upload a chapter ?" I'm sorry if this sucks but let me know what you think so far . I know its kinda shit but i promise it'll get better . i hope . anyways goodnight my wonderful people . i'll try to upload chapters as much as possible . thanks for reading I love you lots x]

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